Chapter 19

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///Chuuya's POV.///

I snapped, "For all I know, I'm just a-.. " I paused..

Damn it...

Damn it!..

She sighed..  "Have you ever jumped off a plane before?"

I raised an eyebrow.. "A few times.."

"That's the thing. It goes against physical laws to jump out a plane or off a cliff, but people still do it, don't they?" she turn to fully face me. "It may not be like it, but inside that beating heart is a piece of your old self that stays human. That's just what we are. Some things don't change that easily."

I paused for a moment to look at her. What was that shitty short speech but..

"Do you want a hug? Cuz you look like you really need a hug right now." she smiled..

I paused. And suddenly went forward and hugged her tightly...

///Back to Y/n's POV.///

Geez, is he hugging me or killing me?!

It took us a literal full minute until Chuuya finally let me go.

"Honestly, you're like the second closest person, in my life, anyway..." I smile at him.


"The first was my mom. I miss her a lot." I looked down..

"Why don't you just visit her then?" He asked.

"I don't think I can visit a dead person. She doesn't even have a grave, we never had a proper burial even. But that all I'm gonna tell.." damnit..

Chuuya looked at me, I can see the sympathy in his expression.

"Sigh, you really remind me of Dazai." He tells me.

"Oh please," I flop my arms of the couch. "Don't compare me to that guy, please."

Chuuya slowly smiled and downed the rest of his glass in one go. I did the same, for some reason..?

"Well, this week better hurry up, cuz I want to do something. Missions with you are somewhat interesting."

"We barely interacted during our first mission, in case you wanna know." I chuckled.

Chuuya sighed whilst smiling before taking the wine bottle and downing it.

What is he doing..

"Seriously?" I had a really confused face at that moment.

"If you want more, I have a couple bottles in the kitchen." He said before taking the wine glasses and walking to his kitchen.

I sigh before burying myself more into the very comfy couch and closed my eyes...

///Chuuya's POV.///

After I finished cleaning the glasses and wine bottle, I put them to store in one of the overhanging shelves above the sink.

Coming back to the living room, I saw Y/n laying on the sofa with her eyes closed.

I walked towards her and check if she actually fell asleep. She was.

Wait, now what? What do I do? Should I move her? Do I have to wake her up? That would be kind of rude though...

I checked my watch.. '19:28'

I sigh and sat beside her. I stared at her face. She looked so beautiful and peaceful. At least Y/n was able to sleep fine. I've been really tired from insomnia recently.

Suddenly I felt myself blush when I realized I called Y/n beautiful. I turn away and cover my mouth with my hand. I felt my face really heat up, it was so obvious that I was red right now.

I shake my head and glance back at her again. I smile and lean back on the sofa. I put an arm over my eyes and I closed them.

(The next morning|Y/n's POV./)

I started to stir awake when I felt myself leaning on something weird.

I rubbed my eyes and sat up. I think I fell asleep.

Opening my eyes properly, I then noticed red fur. Why would there be red- wait..

I jumped off the sofa, it was unintentional so I tripped and fell ass first beside the table. It made a noise and woke Chuuya up.

"Huh...?" He groaned.

"What happened?" I questioned.

"Huh?" He suddenly got up. "Oh yeah, you fell asleep and I didn't want to wake you up. I think I dozed off too. Sorry about that."

"Hm. Anyway, where's your bathroom?"

Chuuya pointed at a door that I didn't notice last night. I got up and walked towards it.

Alright, that was awkward. Hopefully, when I leave this room, it won't be too weird.

I turn the faucet on and splash my face to actually wake myself up. I look in the mirror and sighed. It was a good sleep though, not gonna lie.

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