Chapter 10

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I felt the vehicle stop and opened my eyes. We were in front of the warehouse. It was almost sunset based on the colors of the clouds I could see. I put the headphones away and put my phone inside my jacket pocket.

I decided to open the door myself this time. I like opening car doors, to be honest.

I pushed the door close and heard a low 'slam' before turning my head towards the red building.

At least I managed to listen to the plan. I can't believe I'm gonna have to see that pervert again. I sigh, it sounded more of a scoff but I continued walking to the side of the warehouse with everyone else anyway.

///Chuuya's POV.///

I watch as Y/n scanned her surroundings before walking towards the side of the warehouse. Hopefully she bothered to even listen to the plan. Not that I blame her if she didn't, that blond guy sounded like a f---ing robot.

We turn to each other before going over the plan again.

"Alright, so you and Dazai," Kunikida gestured to me and the brunet. "Are gonna be the ones to first enter while I go the other way to free the hostages."

"What will I do?" Y/n asked.

"You're the lookout. Also, maybe if you can, locate the two other guys and take them out." Dazai pointed out.

"What if they have a wire?"

"You have a gun, deal with it yourself." I tell her. Although I do hope she'll be careful.

Y/n sighed before giving in. "Fine, it's not like my ability will help anyway."

I sighed before standing up from my half-squatting position.

"Let's do this!" Dazai exclaimed.

"You- quiet Dazai!" The blond whacked him on the head with his notebook.

"Both of you, just shut up and let's go!" Y/n whisper screamed before running away to the other side of the building.

Kunikida nodded before going in another direction. That leaves me and this guy.

I gave him a sigh of annoyance before grabbing his collar.

I dragged Dazai all the way to the entrance of the warehouse. He was wailing like a mad person the entire time. How did I survive this guy?

"Oi, shut up already." I snap at him.

"My earrr~~! Do you want me deaf, Chuuya??" He complained.

I removed my grip from his ear and opened the door to go inside.

It was dark, but some of the sunlight was seeping in to light the place up a bit. I treaded forward with the brunet behind me.


Suddenly I felt a presence behind me. I whipped my knife out and slashed the space behind my back.

"And I thought we had a deal." A figure said. He stepped forward, revealing his face.

"Where are the hostages?" I question him." And your other mates?"

"Oh man, at least try to negotiate first." He whined. This idiot is just like Dazai.

////Back to Y/n's POV.////

I sighed. Where's the bad guys when you wanna find them?

I'm almost halfway to circling the entire building when I saw something. It was a door that was swinging, like it was just opened.

I walk towards it and peek inside. I immediately regret it.

There was a man, and woman. I just stared at the both if them as the woman cried. The man was on top of her.

My eyes widened when I realized what was happening.

The woman was being raped.

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