Chapter 13

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I got into my apartment and locked the door. I sigh, what now?

Carrying Chuuya to the couch, I gently place him on it. I took his hat and coat off and hung it in the hallway.

I go into the bathroom, woah. I opened a cupboard to find the medical kit. If I even have one, that is...

Grabbing a container with bandaids and other medicines, I check if there's any for larger wounds. Crap, I don't even know if he's hurt or not.

I walked back into the living room and check on the unconscious ginger. He looked fine, but I had to be sure.

Somehow I figured out how to take his jacket off, it was a crop too. Geez, how many layers of clothes do these guys wear?

I took off his vest, and lifted the shirt underneath it. There were a few cuts, most of them bleeding. What the crap do I do? And if there's internal bleeding too then...

I GET THAT I WATCH 'DOCTOR MIKE', BUT NOT TO THE POINT WHERE I KNOW HIW TO PERFORM AN Appendectomy.. I sigh, I'll need more bandages for this.

///the next morning///
////Chuuya's POV.////

I opened my eyes and scanned my surroundings. Where was I? This isn't my apartment? What even happened?

I turn to see a sleeping Y/n in the armchair in front of me. There was a table between us. A box of medical supplies scattered all over. Did one of us get injured last yesterday?

I then noticed my vest folded beside where I was laying. I look down and saw my shirt, it had blood splatters here and there. Lifting it, I see a layer of bandages covering my torso. What did she do?! What happened?

I turn my head towards the now awake Y/n. She rubbed her eyes while sort of staring at me. She looked tired too.

After actually seeing me awake probably, Y/n shot up, almost... alarmed?

"You're awake!" She exclaimed. "You alright?"

"Yeah." I responded blankly confused.

Y/n yawned before standing up. She walked away to what I'm assuming, is her kitchen. I could hear the water heater turn on and a couple glass things hit the counter.

After sitting up right, I move the curtains to look out the window. It was raining. How did I not hear it?

I just stared at the droplets hitting the glass and racing to the bottom. It was calming, in a way.

I heard footsteps and looked to see Y/n coming back with a couple mugs of coffee. She placed them on the table, steam rising from both cups.

"How are you feeling?" She asked, looking up at me.

"I'm fine." I answer.

"Hmm..." Y/n took one of the glasses and sat back down. "I'm not the best at making coffee, but whatever. Just screw it and drink it."

Y/n sounded mad when she said that. I wonder what happened, she did have visible bags under her eyes. Did she even sleep?

I took the other glass and took a sip. Woah, this coffee is good. It might feel a bit hot on my tongue but it still tasted incredible.

I smiled. Then I sighed. S----! I forgot to inform the boss about what happened!

"Don't worry about the boss. I told him the situation last night. Well, the bandage guy did." Y/n reassured me.

I look around again. Was I in Y/n's place? Most likely.

"You're at my apartment, if that's what you're wondering. I didn't know where you live so I took you here."

I nodded and watched as she took another sip of her beverage. She looked so cute again!! Why am I thinking like this right now though??

I felt the fabric of the sofa. I wonder where-

"Your hat and coat are hung in the hallway." She said before I could even finish my thought. Hmm. "Also sorry that I had to plop you on the couch cuz unfortunately not putting you on my bed."

"Did you even sleep last night?" I questioned her.

"How could I? I practically had to sprint to the pharmacy just to buy bandages and antiseptic. I wasn't taking that mind-boggling car of yours." She sort of explained. Wait. She what?!

"And why would you even do that?" I put the cup back on the table.

"Because I didn't want you getting an infection?" I sighed at her answer.

I blinked..

"Well, thanks anyway." I tell her.

"Whatever, and if you're gonna use Corruption again, then get used to this." Y/n shot me a glare before leaning further in her seat.

I gently place a blanket on top of her before leaving. I'll stop by at HQ before going home.

Taking a last look at her before closing the door, I smile.

Maybe she's different...

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