Chapter 14

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///Y/n's POV.///

I woke up, I think I fell asleep. I yawned as I rubbed my eyes.


Where'd Chuuya go?! Did he actually leave? While it was raining?

I sigh, seriously. I facepalmed myself.

'I mean, he did say he was fine.'

That's not the point Iris. The point is, he's driving while injured! That's it, I'm heading to headquarters...

I close my umbrella after entering the Port Mafia building. I sort of got wet, but unfortunately I have no idea how to call a taxi.

'How idiotic can you get?' Iris sighed at me, for the third time.

Don't ask, I've almost never been.

After putting the umbrella in my bag, I notice a person staring at me. It was Kouyou.

"Good morning." I greeted. I gave a slight bow to her when I said so.

"Good morning." Kouyou said back. "L/n, am I right?"

"Yes. Has Nakahara-san come here today?" I ask.

"Yes actually. He came to the medbay to get his wounds checked and left earlier. Why do you ask?"

"Oh, he left my apartment without notice so I figured he went here or something. Also it was raining so.." I purposely trailed off.

"Ah, I see. You're his new partner aren't you?"

"Yeah. I might've had enough boldness to ask your boss to hire me." I chuckled.

"Hmm..." Kouyou nodded, she was smiling a little.

"Well now that I'm here, do you think there's any work I can do?"

"Yes, you can go ask Mori yourself." she replied.

I nodded and headed towards the elevators.


I reached the doors to the boss's office. Hopefully the job isn't boring, I knocked.

"Come in." I heard from the other side.

I opened the door and entered. The glass windows greeted me, along with a view of Yokohama.

"Yes L/n, why did you want to see me?"

I bowed before answering. "I was wondering if you had a job for me."

"Actually yes, however I put Chuuya-kun on hold on missions for a week so you'll have to go alone, is that alright?"

"That's fine."

Mori cleared his throat again. "So I got a tip that an organization, The Sheep, might plan to attack our shipment of supplies, armoury and ammo. I'm pretty they're the reason why were so busy with missions recently. So I'd like you to go there and maybe Kouyou is able to accompany you."

Woah, the Sheep. The Sheep?! This is gonna end soo badly. Should I or no? I can't say anything in front of the he boss now can I?!

"Is there a problem, L/n?" Mori looked at me.

"Um, isn't that the organization Nakahara was from?" I already knew the answer.

"Yes, how did you know?"

"Just confirming...."

Mori nodded and gestured me to leave. I nodded in return and left through the door. Why the heck did I even say that...


I walked out after the elevator doors opened. I was now in the first floor again. Wait. Ground floor, nevermind.

I noticed Kouyou sitting on a bench. She was waiting for me. I walked towards her.

"I was informed of the situation. I guess I'll have to work with you for today." Kouyou stood up.

"Thank you, please take take of me." I said bowing.

I lifted my head and proceeded to go outside.

I got inside the car that was waiting for us. I sat next to Kouyou.

It started and we drove away to the port.

"So may I ask why we weren't able to find any information on you?" The older woman suddenly questioned me.

"Hm? Oh,'s kind of a long story. And I don't think I'd like to talk about it." I mumble the last past.

"Ah, was it that bad?" I could hear the empathy in her voice. And I did not like it.

"It's much worse. I wasn't an orphan growing up. But my father wasn't the best. Heck, he's worthy of more than just rotting in jail for all I care."

I realized what I said and immediately regret it.

"I'm sorry, Ane-san. I didn't mean to say that out loud." I did my best to bow inside the car.

"No it's alright. Everyone has something to be angry about."

I nodded and sat back down.

Endless Eyes [Chuuya×reader] حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن