Chapter 26

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|Y/n’s POV.|

I was just sitting on the hospital bed, Kouyou reading a book next to me.

I was kind of getting bored..

“When am I getting discharged from here?” I suddenly asked.

“Hm? Just a little longer, Y/n. I already called the doctors for a last check up before you can go.” Kouyou smiled at me.

I hummed and laid back down. I was pondering about something...

“Do you think we’d get to know each other? With this  job?” I asked.

Kouyou stayed silent, but then answered.

“I wouldn’t say that. I’ve had a lot of time to train with my former, let’s say, student. But I’m sure we’ll both have some time later.” She replied.

“By student, do you mean Kyouka?” I turned my head towards her.

Kouyou looked at me a little surprised, but then sighed whilst looking down. “Yes, but then I had to let her go. Because she wanted to stay with the detective agency.”

“I respect that. Don’t worry though, I’m not planning on leaving anytime soon.”

She chuckled silently and I did so after. Sigh, now what?

///later/ after Y/n got discharged////

Once I fell onto my bed, I just felt myself drifting asleep. I didn’t even bother to change or wash, or eat dinner since it was night by the time we left the headquarters. I sigh, just get some sleep already..


The next morning I woke up and groaned. I rolled around in my bed and didn’t want to get up. Why mornings?? Why?

‘Night owl, eh?’

I sigh before forcing myself to get up again. Hopefully Chuuya was alright. He was wincing a bit when I helped with his cuts and wounds yesterday. Hopefully it didn’t hurt so much.

“Ugh, alright. Lemme get things straight.” I spoke aloud. “I am in love with that guy again.”

I flopped back on the bed after I said that. Why again?? The amount of confusion right now...

‘Get the shit back up.’

After actually getting up and walking to the kitchen like a drunk zombie, I opened my fridge and took the carton of milk out. I was lazy today so I’ll just have a coffee.

I turned the faucet on and filled the water heater with a cup and a half.

Afterwards I turned it on.

Opening the cupboard to the left, I grabbed the first thing that met my hand. It was a can of tuna. Don’t need that for coffee...

After finding the strainer and a cup, I go to my freezer. I found ice cubes and took them out the fridge.

“This’ll do I guess..” I whispered to myself.

I put a couple cubes in my glass, I put the strainer on top and put ground coffee I found in the cupboards in it.

The heater clicked and I unplugged it. The water was steaming when I poured it into my cup. It was my first time making coffee, much less with Japanese ingredients, but whatever. Hopefully it tastes right..

I drank a sip of the coffee and woah. It was really good. Like, it was kinda cold but hot??
‘Wow, how descriptive..’


I was now walking to the headquarters building for work. Mori told me to make a report about me and Chuuya’s recent missions so I’ll have to come and see my office.
No idea why I suddenly got an office but I’m not complaining? I guess that’s good.

The guards let me in and I went through the doors to the building. I’ve only been here for a week or so but they seem to recognize me already. I think..


“Alright then!” The boss smiled at me. “Kouyou will guide you to your new office!”

I smiled and nodded. I finally get to see Kouyou-san again.

As he said that, the female ginger walked through the door and greeted Mori. He nodded back at her.

“Alright L/n, follow me.”

I nodded.

We both went out of Mori’s office and treaded through the halls.

“So I heard you have information on the Port Mafia and the detective agency. Is that true?” Kouyou suddenly asked me.

“Yeah,” I reply. “Why?”

“Hm, I was wondering how much you actually know. So tell me, about the things you know about me.”

Well.."You’re Ozaki Kouyou, 26 years old. Your birthday is on January 10 and- oh wait nevermind. You’re 27. Uhh, your ability is Golden Demon and kinda similar to Demon snow which is Kyouka Izumi’s ability. And.. yeah. That’s kinda all I know about you..” I finally finished.

'You seriously have to stop doing this..'
I know.

“Hm, that’s basic information. But I’m surprised that a former civilian would know that. Chuuya-kun said you weren’t from any other organizations and didn’t even have any files in the system. Why is that?”

Did she have to press further about that? “It’s quite a long story that I don’t want to talk about.”

I didn’t want to talk about that topic at all. I knew why I didn’t have any files but it’s not for a good reason. Or legal reasons even. It was cruel, if only they knew. But I won’t tell them.

I blinked when I realized we were at the door to my office already. I guess that conversation really sped up time.
I’m surprised I didn’t walk face first to a wall in the process..

“Well, what are you waiting for?”

I open the door and looked around.

There was a wooden work desk on the side with a computer and computer chair. On the other side, there was a black sofa perpendicular to another with a coffee table between the two.

The floors were covered with a vintage victorian style carpet and the walls had light and dark brown painted walls, like a dark academia-ish design. The walls that were the same side as the door were lined with bookshelves.

Tall windows currently covered with curtains were on the left side.

The rest of my office was pretty simple, but it looked incredible.

“Woah, I should’ve been the one paying the boss in this situation.” I remark.

“Well, I’m glad you like it. I’m starting to like you, L/n.” Kouyou closed the door.

“’Y/n’ is fine. Also, when can I start on my paperwork?” I ask.

“Right now if you can. I’ll leave and come back later when you’re done.”

I nodded and Kouyou left the room.

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