Chapter 15

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The rest of the ride went silently after my little ramble on my father earlier.

At least we were now at the port.

I dunno where we are since I didn't do my research on it but we were where the shipping containers are supposed to be. Which means the enemies could be nearby. They're here to attack and steal so I should keep my guard up.

"Where's the shipment?" I ask.

"I don't know. Usually there would be people here and a few of our men keeping guard." Kouyou told me.

Where are they then?


"The Black Iris!" I yelp.

In time, Iris cane out and made a field that stopped five bullets coming at our direction. She absorbed them easily afterwards.

"They're here." I tell the executive.

Cover us, all over. Iris immediately covered me and Kouyou in a circle field to protect us from all the incoming gunfire.

Loud shots fired and shells falling to the floor, it stopped for a moment before it restarted. These guys are reloading! That's it, that's our chance.

I heard more shells hit the ground as the firing stopped. Iris removed the barrier and I grabbed my gun. I could see a few people in masks. They were the same height as me, if not a bit taller. They were teenagers?!

Right, I'm dealing with the Sheep. An organization that mainly consisted of older children. How could I forget?

I aimed carefully and shot them only at their wrists and legs. I managed to get three of them. Where are the others?

I turn and see 'Golden Demon' attacking the others. It's katana slashing at the kid's feet. 'Kid' cuz I don't know what other word for teenager is...

'Teen, hello?' Iris answered. 'Also, I don't think 'slicing' equals 'attacking'.'

Right. Anyway I turn back to the teens I shot and look around. There's gotta be more of them. I don't think these guys are stupid. They've got to have backup coming, if not hiding.

Suddenly I notice a guy in a mask. He had white-ish grey hair and a brown-ish jacket. Where have I seen that before?

Ah, I remember. It's Shirase. The same one that stabbed Chuuya. What's he doing here? Is he still part of the sheep? Most likely.

"That mask isn't even hiding your identity, Buichirō." I say.

He paused.

"You know me?" He is so confused right now..

"How could I not know the guy that stabbed my partner." I was proud of calling Chuuya my partner right now. "It's the hair for me, to be honest. And where's that cotton candy haired girl with with you? Yuan, is it?"

Even with the mask covering his face, I could tell he was taken aback at the information I just spat out at him. I smirk at him. This feels so good right now.

"How do you know that? I can't keep you alive, now can I?" Shirase pointed his gun at me. Wow, there's one stupid mistake he made.

He fired. But I didn't hit me. Geez, the bullet didn't even come the gun!

"In case you didn't notice, it's safety is on." I chuckled.

He grit his teeth, I could hear it even from this distance. Now he was mad.

"Quick question though. Ya still with the Sheep or no?"

"Why else would I be here?" He spat back. Yep, that's a yes.

'Are you stupid?'  yes, I am in fact, stupid.

"Where's our shipment?" I ask.

"Not here. Now anymore anyway."

I then notice a slight change in his glance, his he was signalling someone behind him. But then I saw someone else.

I point my gun up and shoot. That first one was just a feint. The person is actually above me. And it was Yuan.

Sigh... Of course.

I looked at her. The pistol she was holding was on the floor because she dropped it. She was clutching onto her stomach. I'm assuming I shot her there.

The blood reached and even splashed at my shoes. I turn my gaze back at Shirase, he was shocked.

"Yuan? What the- What did you do?!" He screamed at me, holding onto Yuan and putting his hands over her wound to create pressure..

"Is that supposed to be my fault?"

My dumbass suddenly remembered that Kouyou was still with me and turn around. She was just looking at what was happening from the side. 'Golden Demon' was now gone and all the other teens are unconscious on the floor. None of them looked dead though.

Looking back at the two, I could see the fury in Shirase's eyes as he glared at me.

"What do you want?" I question him.

Buichirō was still holding onto Yuan's body. She was still bleeding a lot. Now she was even unconscious.

"What do you want?"

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