Chapter 25

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///Still Chuuya's POV.///

I was shocked. I didn't even know Y/n could do that. That oughta hurt for those guys, that's for sure.

Then I remembered the two dumbasses that decided to jump out a window earlier.. Dazai and that other woman.

I walked up to the broke window to check I the were still down there. They weren't.

Wait, where'd they go?

"Well damn." I heard Y/n say and turned back to her.

There stood the woman that fell, and Dazai was standing next to her.

I... Did they climb back up..?

That's when I saw the ability users on the floor, passed out, probably. Dazai had most likely nullified their abilities.

"What now?" Tanizaki asked.

I didn't even need to reply.

It only took a moment before a group of my backup men came in through the elevator with their guns held up. The familiar black suits were a relief to see during missions.

"They'll deal with it." I said to him.

"Might as well take 'em out now." Tachihara said before firing his gun at the unconscious hooded men. That will be a lot to clean up later..

"Was that really necessary?" I asked.

"I mean, that's what boss told me to do..." yeah right..


We were all back at the headquarters building now. Me and Y/n are at the infirmary to treat my injuries. The stinging in my arms and side just keep getting worse.

Sigh.. Shit is weird today..

"So why am I the nurse again?" Y/n asked.

"The boss was out and Akutagawa and his subordinate came in with more serious injuries so the other doctors had to attend to them first." I explained.

My partner came towards me with the med-kit, "I'm surprised your injuries aren't as serious as theirs. I mean, seriously, you're still bleeding."

She then sighed."How many layers do you even wear? I just don't get it." Y/n was carefully trying to take my blazer off. It stung like hell but she managed to get it off.

"Sigh, now the vest." She sighed.

"I am literally about to murder someone with how much my arms are hurting so just cut them off. I'll buy new ones later." I groaned. I have no idea why I wear so many layers of clothes either. It's not like that's gonna help my laundry situation at all..

Y/n sighed before walking away to a cabinet. She searched the inner shelves for a pair of scissors. Finally she found one on the middle drawer and came back.

Y/n was silent as she cut the shoulders of my vest before taking it off. It definitely hurt a lot less. Afterwards she cut my shirt sleeve and gently removed it too. I only realized now that Y/n had to take all my tops off if she can properly treat my wounds.

..I stayed awkwardly quiet after that.

"Well, I'm done. I'm like halfway through." She broke the silence.

"Uh, was taking all my layers off necessary??" I question.

"How else do you want me to treat you? You have cuts and pieces of glass all over your arms and torso, I'm surprised you're not in severe pain right now." Y/n walked back with a bottle of alcohol, the medical type.

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