Chapter 28

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Y/n’s POV))))))

I was still rolling in my bed, even though its actually almost time for me to be late for work. I sighed. What to do, what to do...

‘Outfits??’ Iris suggested. Of course yes!

I lunged out of bed and ran to my closet. I looked through all the hangers, drawers and wherever else to find something. I wanna wear a really nice mafia outfit today. Cuz why not?

Eventually I found a pretty basic outfit. It only consists of: a white shirt, a pair of black denim pants and fingerless gloves. I decided to put a leather jacket on top because of ‘aesthetic purposes’.

I went to the mirror and looked at myself.
‘Dang, you look good for once.’ Excuse you?!

I giggled again before going into the kitchen. Hmm, what to eat..

I checked the cupboards for something to eat, while also thinking about what I should add to my outfit today.

‘Oohh, someone’s try a look good??’ um.. no??

My hand then grabbed onto something. It was a pack of cookies. 

I gulped down the last of my milk when I finally finished my oatmeal cookies.

‘You’re late.’ Iris suddenly said.

Checking my phone, I looked at the time. 9:30. Oh shit, I’m very late. Why didn’t you say anything beforehand?!

‘I dunno.’ she shrugged.

Arriving at the HQ, I practically sprinted inside and almost slipped on a non-existent ‘wet floor’.

Running to the elevator, I almost punched the buttons out of panic and the doors closed.

Then I felt a presence behind me. I flinched a gasp whilst turning around. It was Gin. I sighed in relief.

“Geez, Gin. You scared the crap outta me!”

I leaned on the door and sighed. I saw Gin crossing her arms and lean on the rail. We both stayed quiet for the rest of the elevator ride.

Suddenly the door opened and I fell down and screamed. My back hit the floor with a thud and I groaned.

“Ow..” I sat up whilst rubbing my head.

Iris chuckled.

‘Serves you right for not summoning me out. I could’ve caught you!’

I could what?! Why are you only saying this now?! And didn’t you say you can’t touch physical items?

‘Physical items except the user...’

I got up and out of the elevator. Was I even on the right floor? I scratched the back of my head and looked around.

I heard a quiet giggle behind me and turned around.

“You’re in the right floor, Don’t worry.” Gin said. Wait. I thought she didn’t talk so she can hide that fact she’s a girl?

“Alright then. Thanks Gin.” I waved goodbye before the doors closed.

I then walked through the hallway to my office. I was swinging the keys on my finger and fiddling with it out of boredom.

The knob clicked when I unlocked it and I went inside. The dark-ish designed walls greeted me and I opened the curtains on my windows.

Going to my desk, I opened my computer and started randomly browsing. It was like a normal computer, minus the fact that it actually has files that I didn’t know the content of downloaded in its file system. It was nice I guess..

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