Chapter 20

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Exiting, I heard the sizzling of steak in Chuuya's kitchen. Woah, it was good, lot gonna lie. Geez, what time even is it? Damn, I slept good though. Maybe I should sleep sitting up more often.

I get out and stretch for a moment, only to realize Chuuya was staring at me. The actual- no lie, that was hot though..

"What?" I put my arms down.

"I kinda made breakfast." He pointed with his thumb at a round table.


"Do you want to eat or not?"

Wait what? He wants me to eat breakfast with him? Or is he being nice?

'Why ask me?'

I wasn't asking you.

"If that's fine, I guess."

Chuuya nodded and turned back to the kitchen. I walked over to the table and sat down. I eyed out the window, I saw the sides of a few buildings, that fact that he doesn't live at the HQ building though, kinda weird.

I felt a snap in front of my face and saw Chuuya staring at me, his arm outstretched through the table at snap at my me.

"What?" I ask.

"Are you gonna eat or no?" I noticed the plate with cooked rice, steak and egg. Woah.

"Geez, the fact that you have energy to get up and cook this early is insane." I tell him. "Thank you, by the way."

"I slept well, that's why." Chuuya replied. "You're welcome too."

"Hmm." He's quite in a good mood today, wonder why.

I cut a piece of the steak and put it in my mouth, woah, it was good. I guess the fanfics of him knowing how to cook are accurate.

"Nice, I didn't know you could cook well." I compliment him.

Chuuya paused for a second to look at me before continuing to eat. "Thanks, you too."


"What do you mean, 'you too'?"

"The coffee you gave me a couple days ago. It was good." He said.

Wait actually?
'What? Do you not like your cooking or somethin?' Iris questioned.
I just thought it was normal. The matcha at that cafe was much nicer than mine too.

"Uhh, thanks?" I smile at Chuuya.

Chuuya nodded before taking his plate to the sink. He was done already?! What?

"Geez, you're fast." I say while getting up from my seat. I was done too actually.

"Aren't you done too?" He pointed at my plate.

I blinked. "Yeah." I chuckled.

Chuuya smiled before taking my plate and went to the sink to rinse before putting it into the dishwasher.

Going back into the bathroom, I take a hair tie from my pocket and put my hair up in a low ponytail. It took two tries just to do it properly.

"Hey, Y/n, where'd you go?" I heard Chuuya call out.

"I'm in here." I reply.

I then heard a hum and I left the room. Looking around, I think. Now what? What the crap, do I leave?

"Hey, Nakahara-san, I was wondering if I can leave now, I still have to time in at HQ." I call out.

"Yeah, that's fine. There's paperwork I need to do anyway, see ya later." He replied from what I assumed, was his bedroom.

I nodded, and walked to the door. Taking my jacket, I decided to tie it around my waist. I got my shoes and went outside to out them on.

I exhaled after I was finished. Then got to leave the building.

__ __

"Wait, what?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Mind explaining cuz I still don't follow."

"Well," Mori started. "You need a place to work don't you? I have no reason to believe your apartment will do any good on keeping importantly classified documents safe, now will it?"

I raised a finger to make a point but paused. He did have a point. So, uh, now what?

The boss sighed before throwing a couple keys at me, "Ozaki will take you there. Oh yeah, and afterwards, come back here because I have a few errands for you to do."

I nodded before leaving the door.


Damn, that office was fire.
'I know right? It was huge too.'

I knocked on the door, geez, since when was walking tiring??

(TIMESKIP againnn)

I sigh, this'll be weird.

"Hurry up, Miss Y/n!" Elise exclaimed while running towards a shop at the corner of the street.

At least this job will be a bit safer, for now. Hopefully Elise isn't too hyper today, or else it'll be the end...

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