Chapter 11

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I grit my teeth and sprint towards the scene.

I push the man to the ground and began kicking him.


I immediately squatted down to avoid a dagger of blood aimed at my neck. It looked solid, not like the normal red liquid at all. 'The River of life' it said.

I turn to him and saw a smirk on his face. This guy is not only creepy, he's also high, very high.

"Run if you can!" I tell to the woman.

She nodded while trying to stand up. She couldn't. I sighed.

"The Black Iris."

A shadow went over me as I saw Iris.
Distract him for at least a bit. I don't care how, just do it.

I can see her gesturing a nod before starting to spin around the guy. He looked so confused but fought as if she was a physical. Hopefully he doesn't figure it out before I get her outta here.

I grab the woman and put her arm over my shoulder to help her up.

It took a but of a second to balance properly but I managed. I walked out the warehouse and towards the car.

I look back to see if anyone's following, luckily there isn't.

Making the woman sit down behind the vehicle I call the number Chuuya gave me before leaving. It wasn't his, but it's for backup purposes.


"Alright," I say to her. "Once a few men in black suits arrive, just tell them that we're inside. They'll help."

She nodded while still shaking from fear, obviously.

I nodded back before going back to the red building.

Iris, how're you holding up?

'Very terribly, this guy keeps tickling me!'

Huh? Since when was she able to be tickled?! I sigh. So many questions, so little answers.


I re-enter the door from earlier and saw the guy was still fighting with Iris.

He was using knife shaped blood things and 'hurled' them at her.

Iris was keeping up by absorbing the projectiles so I guess she's still alright.

I noticed it was a bit of a garage. I dunno if that's normal or not but whatever. I grab a wrench and just smacked the guy in the head, hard.

There was a bit of a 'ring' before he fell to the ground. Hopefully I didn't accidentally kill him though. That would be weird.

I still saw his ability name over his unconscious head. 'The River of life'.

"So, how do I get you back into my head?" I ask.

'I can do it myself.' Iris replied before charging at my body.

Once we made contact, could feel her merging with me. It felt scary but also good.

I turn around to exit the building.

///Kunikida's POV.///

I carefully and quietly sneak through. It's been 20 minutes and these three are still talking. I still can't find the hostages however. Was it a trick?

Suddenly I heard a loud smashing sound and then heard fighting.

It was the ginger from the Port Mafia. He was fighting the ice ability user. Dazai was just at the side watching the two. Idiots, both of them.

I sigh, when I then noticed a door in the corner. I should probably look at the map of the building next time. I didn't even know it was there.

I look around before taking a break for the door.

Reaching it, I turn the knob if it's locked, it wasn't. I cautiously open it.

I scan the inside and notice a few red dots, disappearing and reappearing in some parts of the dark room.

Then it hit me. They were the red lights from the explosives.

My hand immediately went for the light switch and turned it on. Once it was I found them.

Two women, and the five children, bound by ropes with HMX around their waists.

I had to disarm the bombs before they go off. Luckily they don't have a timer but if I take them off the hostages with disabling them, it might blow up.

These are the more powerful ones as well, which makes it even more of a problem.

Suddenly I felt something hit the back of my head, then it was black.

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