Chapter 3

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It was already sunset when I finished roaming around a few of the streets from the series. I'm definitely gonna get lost here.

I looked ahead of the port, the view was beautiful. At least that's one see I'll probably see a few times a week.

It was getting dark fast. I need to get back to my apartment.

I was halfway to sprinting but I didn't want to. Running is never helpful, especially in flats, in the dark, in an unfamiliar place.

I sighed. I wonder what happened back in my old world. Not gonna lie dying was kinda worth it.

And the world just seems to hate me doesn't it. Because next thing I knew, I was being dragged into an alleyway by a drunk man.

"Well hello there, pretty girl~."

Yep, this guy I more drunk than my old crappy neighbors!...

"Uh, what are you doing?" I asked, half-scared.

"I'm bored, so please come with me-" I cut him off when I poked his eyes.

"Not interested. I'd rather jump off a cliff. I'd probably do that anyway." I mumble the last part.

Dangit, Y/n! Now's the not the time to be re-quoting Wednesday!

"Aw, is that so??" The man stepped back a bit. "Then I'll make you."

'The Black Iris' huh??

I then saw a few glowing words above the guy's head.

'The Blizzard of the Spring' it read. 'Ability to control ice, drop temperatures to below 0° and cause a blizzard.' That's... Barely any explanation...

That's when I realized, he was going to use his ability.

'Y/n! He's an ice ability user, don't fight him!' Iris warned me.

I'm not interested. I wasn't gonna let this guy get away with that crap. Also, I was bored..

He hurled an icicle at me and I ducked and got down. I was doing a half split while almost squatting to the floor. I swung my leg at his ankles. These fantasy fighting skills are awesome!!

I could hear Iris sigh as I continued hitting the guy in multiple places in his side and sternum. I am good at this!

Finally, I gave him a knockout punch, right in the face.

Alright, maybe I was overeating a little bit, but with what he said, it wasn't an exaggeration to me.

I heard something to my left and turned that way. There was a figure in the dark, I could barely see anything.

I saw a few more words above his head, 'Upon the Tainted Sorrow' I read it. Oh my dear goodness...

"That was quite a show." He said before walking towards me. It was the one and only...

"In my defense, he was harassing me." I told him. Oh my gosh, this is definitely awesome now!!

"Hmm. I'm surprised young women are even out at night." He pressed the end of his cigarette against the wall before dropping it on the floor. I covered my mouth and nose...

"What are you doing here then? Out on a job?" I started. I was gonna tease him.

"What are you talking about? Aren't you going home?" He snapped.

I smirked. "Nice to meet you, Port Mafia executive; Chuuya Nakahara." I learned forward to how slightly.

"What?!" Chuuya screamed before pinning me to the wall. Not gonna lie, I once wished this, definitely worth it!

"What organization are you from?" he questioned. Yes!!

"Quite straightforward. Actually I don't come from an organization, I just came here." I replied still grinning.

Chuuya growled, "Then how do you know I'm an executive of the Port Mafia?" He hissed.

"Hot dang..." I whisper so he couldn't hear. "I just know?"

I shrugged. "I also know a few more things about the other members..."

"Hmm..." This redhead was clearly suspicious of me.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. I'm not stupid and I also respect your privacy." I told him.

Chuuya gave me a face that said he didn't believe a word if what I just said. I just continued glaring at him before he removed the knife from my throat. I didn't even notice it was there!

"Fine, but mention a word, and I'll kill you."

"My lips are sealed, Nakahara-san." I winked.. What the hell was doing.. 'I don't know..'

He stepped back and I ran all the way back to the apartment building. No way! I swear if this is a dream then I'm gonna die!

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