Chapter 9

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I unbuckle my seatbelt and exit the car before walking to Y/n's side.

I opened the door for her.

"What was that for?" She asks.

"I forgot to open it for you earlier." I tell her. Technically I wasn't lying.

"Well, thanks." I could barely notice a smile form on her face but it was there.

I close the door shut and start walking beside her. We had to meet the two at the tori gate at Chinatown.

I walked towards the inari arch and notice the two detectives. And no surprise that one of them is Dazai.

The other guy is that male. I think his name was Kunikida, clearly recognizable with his blond hair and frameless specs.

The bandage-covered brunet walked towards me and just started blabbering, like he always does.

"Ay, ay, Chuuya, who's the new subordinate you have?" He asks.

"Partner." I correct him. "I've officially replaced you."

"Aw, Chuuya-kun." Seriously? "That kinda hurt, not gonna lie~"

This guy is getting more weird by the hour, I'm surprised the agency hasn't fired him yet. Good luck to those idiots.

"Mr. Suicidal, we're not here to ramble about crap. We're here because we have a hostage situation to deal with."   Y/n cut in between us.

"Ah, I knew I recognized you!" He said to her.  "Man, rejection's still hard~."

What the actual f-

"Dazai, leave her alone already." I say while crossing my arms.

"Ay, why, Chuuya? Am I making you jealous~??"

Can this guy just shut up for once.

"You're talking to my partner. Why would I be jealous?" I managed to say without stuttering.

Y/n looks at me before blushing and looking away. Now what did I do? This is getting too embarrassing.

"Let's go already." The blond said while pulling me and Dazai by our ears and hair. Y/n just followed behind us. She was doing that cute giggling again. Why?? Is that really necessary?

///Back to Y/n's POV.///

I start laughing while trailing behind Kunikida. He was now mad and dragging the other two by their ears. Chuuya is so red right now, it's hilarious.

Oh gosh, I'm gonna have another crush on him again aren't I? It's the second time already though! Whatever, hopefully he isn't gay with all the soukoku ships I would see everywhere.

I look around the Chinatown for a sec before realizing they were like, ten meters away from me already! These guys walk, and they walk fast.

The four of us get to the car and Dazai gets in the backseat. So does Kunikida, surprisingly.

I was about to open the door when suddenly the redhead did it for me. Is he trying to be a gentleman on purpose or something? I mean, it was kinda nice of him. Crap, I'm blushing again. Iris, don't say anything.

'I won't.'

You just did! I get into the passenger seat and Chuuya closes the door. Afterwards he gets into the driver's seat and starts the vehicle.

"So like, what's the plan?" I ask. "If people want info from you guys, what do you usually do?"

"You mean, you two didn't have a plan already?" Kunikida scolded us. Uhh, now what?

"We literally just left after the boss gave us the job." I tell him.

"We obviously had to get you two before making a plan. It's not like you'd agree if we made the plan first anyway." Chuuya defended.

"He has a point, Kunikida-kun~. And also, you." Dazai pointed at me. "When did you become this guy's partner?"

"Why should I tell you that? Am I even allowed to say anything about that?" I ask.

"It's not classified, plus. These guys are detectives. They might be s---ty but they can still get some info on you." Chuuya told me.

"Well, it's not like Y/n has any info we can find anyway." Kunikida stated.  "We needed to ask Ranpo just to give us her name."

"My guess is, he asked for Pocky in return."


Ha! Just as I thought. Ranpo might be a great detective, but his choice in snacks is quite obvious.

I get that the ride isn't long, but. I put some headphones on anyway. I found it on my bedside table last night and decided to taken it with me. Taking my phone out, I put 'Boulevard of broken dreams' on and put a bud in my ear before leaning against the window again.

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