Chapter 12

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////Back to Y/n's POV.////

I watch the two ability users continue fighting. Neither of them is stronger than the other but it was obvious that Chuuya wasn't being too serious. Dazai is just watching him from the side with me.

"Has Kunikida found the hostages yet?" I ask.

"I dunno, but I think I saw him over there I dunno." Dazai shrugged.

I sigh before going towards the door.

Immediately my reflexes kick in and I do a backbend to avoid a frickin wrench from smashing into my face. Phew, so close.

I couldn't do much in this position so I ended up tipping on my back. I hit the floor hard and now I can't get up properly.

The third guy, hopefully the last one, was about to hit me again when I managed to grab my gun and fire it at his wrist.

It barely hit his wrist but it managed to get his thumb, technically it a bit if a better hit than what I was expecting.

He yelped in pain and I quickly got up to kick him in the gut.

That's when I saw something, or someone. It was Kunikida. He was unconscious, probably cuz he got hit with the wrench. I sigh again.

After actually holding the pistol right, I shoot at the man's thigh, ankle, and both his wrists. It's mostly gonna disable him from walking or even getting up if he's in pain that much.

Geez if course he is, he just got shot 5 times, what do you expect?

I get down to search his pockets. After looking inside his jacket I felt something solid. It was a remote.

Taking it, I press the button that oh-so obviously said 'disable' on it and the beeping light for the past minute have stopped. The sounds of the beeping stoped as well. At least the bomb's been dealt with. Now what?

Right, the hostages.


That should be the last one. I already untied the kids and one of the women and removed the explosives as well. It didn't really look like C4 so I'm assuming it wasn't, after all this is Japan and not America.

I sigh, that was hard. Better than fighting I guess. Wait, what happened to the others outside?!

My feet somehow got up and sprinted out the door. The fight from earlier was over and that perverted ability user was on the floor, knocked out. However, so was Chuuya. And why is he covered in blood?! And how come I didn't hear anything?

"What happened? I didn't even hear anything!" I scream.

"Ah, well, shorty here decided to get pissed and use his Corruption ability. In case you don't know its-"

"I know what Corruption is and what it can do, Dazai. By the way the bombs were disabled and I untied the hostages. Backup will be here-"

I was cut off when suddenly the door fricking got kicked down and a kid walked in. Ah, Kenji.

"What took you so long, Dazai-san?" He asked. This guy's past is still confusing, he's as confusing as Ranpo! Old children....

"I dunno, how long has it been anyway?" Dazai shrugged again.

"Sigh, Kunikida's in the back over there and so are the women and children."

"Well, I'll help with them. Because I'm not carrying Chibi over here."

The brunet put the ginger in the ground before walking towards the door I told them. Kenji followed behind him while still smiling.

I turn back at Chuuya. He was unconscious. I didn't expect a hostage situation to get him to use Corruption. How strong is that ice ability user anyway?

I grab Chuuya's arm and swing it over my shoulder. And I put my arm on his waist to carry him easier.

"Where the crap do I take this guy!?" I yell out.

"I don't care how, just do it~." Dazai replied.

I sigh, backup will be here soon anyway.

It was dark outside. It was night already? I mean, it was near sunset when we got here.

That's when I got a call. I couldn't check my phone. How could I? I'm carrying a full person over here!


I opened the car door and somehow got Chuuya on the car seat without him falling off in the process. Sigh, hopefully this car has autopilot..

Getting in the driver seat, very carefully, I turn the vehicle on. Woah, hopefully I don't die trying to figure out what this thing does.

"Where's the crap forsaken auto-"

Autopilot on. I heard an automated voice say. I guess I just said a command. Why am I so bad at cars and stuff?

After tapping on the screen, I managed to find the GPS. I put the directions to my apartment in, because I don't know where this guy lives.

The car then started moving, then I figured it was just the autopilot.

I check my phone and look through the call logs. There weren't any.

Checking my messages however, I got a couple texts. It was from the boss.



:L/n, unfortunately the backup you requested isn't available since they had to come along with Hirutsu and Akutagawa for missions.

:Dazai, texted me that Chuuya had used Corruption and is unable to drive because he was unconscious. If you can, please take him back to his apartment or yours.


What the actual did he mean by 'or yours'? Seriously?

I sigh, we were halfway there anyway so might as well take care of him.

It looks like it's gonna rain..

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