Chapter 4

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After Chuuya stepped back, I ran outta there and all the way back to my bedroom...I mean apartment!

Damn, this new world is confusing. But it's definitely awesome. And I just met I anime husbando, I'm literally crying!

I was panting at my doorstep before entering. Finally, a nice home.

"So Iris, what else do you know about this world? How'd I get this apartment?"

'Technically, this apartment came here at the same time you did. It's like a starter pack, if you may.'

"Ooh~. That's nice." that did not make sense at all.

Hopefully I have something to eat, cuz I'm starving.
I haven't even eaten since 10:00.

I walk into the kitchen and, wow. It was a dream. I would only see these on my Pinterest page. Or in magazines, occasionally.

Wait. That was weird. I've never had a Pinterest. I've never even had a phone before! Where is this-

'Its your set-up mind. You're different in this world. Everything, even your past, is different."

I paused.

'Well, mostly.'  Iris continued. 'Your past is actually unknown.'

"Even in government files?" I asked.

'The government, the agency, even the mafia have no info on you.'

I sighed. I guess some things never change, even through worlds.

I open and check what's inside my fridge. An apple, some muesli, eggs, milk...and a square watermelon. Yep, only in Japan!

I take a couple eggs and some spring onion leaves out and closed the fridge.

Hopefully, I don't mess this up.

I go to my drawers and take a bowl out. I never even knew that, my body just 'naturally' went there.

I crack the egg inside before throwing it in the trash bin.

"So, is the world normal or, is there something different with it?"

'Its perfectly normal. You wouldn't want to be in a vampire au world, now would ya?' Iris replied.

I nodded before beating the eggs with a fork.

'Well?' she suddenly snapped.

"What?" I asked. "What is it?"

'You do realize what you just did earlier right? You just oh-so casually, told that mafia guy his secrets.'

"Big deal. Plus, it kinda adds to my mysteriousness." I shrugged my shoulders before turning the stove on.

'No, that's adds to your stupidity.'

"You're me, you do realize that, right?"

Iris sighed before being quiet again.

Well, I guess it's just me and my tamagoyaki now. At least I'll have dinner.

[TIMESKIP] ///the next morning///

I groan as I toss over my blanket, for the third time. Man, sleeping in this bed is cool. I haven't slept this good in well, my entire life actually.

'Good morning, sleepyhead.' Iris greeted me. I groaned again. Why now? Let me sleep in...

I sigh. There's really no sleeping in with her, now is there? Whatever. I want some more of that matcha I got yesterday. It was good.

I whip my feet out of bed and stretched my arms. Goooood morning.

I walk into the kitchen and get a glass of water. I put it under the tap and turn the water on. I yawned.

I could feel my hair was a mess. There was even dried saliva all over my face. Dang I slept good.

'The water..'

"Oh sonuva-" I exclaimed before turning the tap off. Now's not the time to start swearing Y/n...

[TIMESKIP] ///again~~///

I sigh before sipping on my tea again. It wasn't that type of sigh, it was more of a, happy sigh.

Not gonna lie, this tea is good tho. I wonder if there's an iced version of this.

I heard the bell ring on the door and a person entered. I looked to the side and saw who it was. Ranpo.

He sat a few booths from me before very cheerfully ordering some milk? First time I've seen him order milk from the cafe but whatever. He's like 26 but the 'twenty' is silent.

I sat up and took the cup to the counter up front.

"It was tasty, I might come here more often." I said.

"Thanks." Lucy replied. I wonder where that nice manager is? But I don't mind.

I go outside and walked for a bit before feeling someone tug on my shirt. It was Ranpo.

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