Chapter 36:

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And one last revenge to go. . .


The dawn of the final day of reckoning was upon us.

I had the required information on the Edward guy fresh from the mouth. . .Or well, phone, of a special little Birdie.

Good old Edward had an art show coming up this afternoon.

An art show that a lot of wealthy clients were going to be attending. . .Including three well known billionaires.

But first. . .Before revenge. . .Breakfast.

''Okay okay, I'll grab some orange juice, geeze you guys are a tough crowd'' Dad sighed out, visibly trying to not laugh as he picked back up the bottle of pepto bismol he had set down on the table with the large plate of cheese filled scrambled eggs and bacon.

''Woah! My parents would never let me eat something cooked in so much butter!'' Felix gasped out excitedly as my friends started to dish themselves up some of the food.

''That is a depressing statement. Anyways! Olivia! Pass me the bacon!'' Mia requested as she leaned halfway over the kitchen counter, nearly knocking Jack's plate off.

The boy pursed his lips slightly as he quickly grabbed his plate, raising it above his head so it wouldn't be in the hyper girl's way.

A small grin formed on my face at the despairing look the other boy gave me before I turned my attention back to my own hyper soulmate who was currently being 'taught' by Bird and Alex on how much jelly to add to his toast.

Way too much. He is going to get sick. . .

Clearing my throat, I gave my two mischievous gang members a pointed look. . .To which Bird just rolled his eyes as Alex heaped even more jelly onto Felix's toast before handing it to my soulmate.

''Oh for crying out loud'' I mumbled under my breath as Dad returned to the table, beaming happily as he poured glasses of orange juice for everyone around the table.

Every few months. . .My friends and I would have a group breakfast at my home, something that brought my Dad great joy.

He always wanted a large and happy family. . .Yet he'd never risk gaining one if it meant loosing me. . .

My smiled turned a bit wistful as I picked up some of the eggs on my own plate, tucking into my food as silence descended upon the table, peppered with the sounds of utensils clinking on plates and soft murmurs of happiness.

Glancing over at my boyfriend, I noticed a bit of ketchup had somehow ended up his cheek.

Grabbing my napkin, I carefully wiped the sauce off of his face, making the other boy pause, a blush forming on his face.

Breakfast was a sweet moment. . .

What a nice start to a day of revenge. . .

While Felix left for school and my Dad left for work - assuming my friends and I were also leaving for class - my team headed out for the art show's planned area.

Seeing as this man was the one who hurt Felix, I intended to ruin this lovely chance for the man personally.

Masks on and smoke bombs in hand, we worked together to scale some scaffolding in the museum that was hiding an exhibit right next to Edward's little pop up gallery.

''Holy shit Ash! Look! They've got a new dino skeleton! Oh Olivia, we so have to come back again later when they finish it'' Mia whispered excitedly as she pointed to the unfinished exhibit under the tarp covered scaffolding.

''Oh shit really??'' Alex asked excitedly as Jack leaned dangerously far backwards to look at the bones below.

I tuned out their excited whispers to instead focus on the staff members that were finishing setting up the gallery under the shouted instructions of a tall, well dressed man. . .

And that would be Edward. . .

He had blonde hair that was stained with an array of colors, the tips of his locks brushing his shoulders as he directed the people hauling in his works of art.

Up the right side of his face were the familiar twisting group of soulmarks that adorned my own collarbones and the side of Felix's neck.

Bit hard to hide those marks. . .

Unlike Felix's or my own marks. . .Almost all of his were filled with color.

We waited in the shadows, watching as more and more items were brought in.

Paintings, vases, sculptures and even some stained glass.

Eventually, the center piece of the entire show - and my target - was very carefully hauled in.

It was a glorious, ten foot tall, 3D, stained glass sculpture.

So pretty. . .And so so breakable.

The crowning jewel of the entire show was placed upon it's platform, the light shining through the glass, painting the ground and people around it in the various colors.

Three hearts, intertwined with colored swirling glass meant to represent smoke.

He really is a good artist. . .Shame he himself sucks.

Making sure my mask was hiding me properly, I pulled the pin on the smoke bomb, quickly chucking it out of the tarp and towards the people below.

There were shouts of surprise and screams of fear as my friends and I slipped out of the tarp and into the quickly spreading smoke.

I could hear my friends breaking and ripping things as I made a beeline for where I knew his pride and joy would be.

As I ran for it. . .Someone reached out towards me. . .His hand just barely brushing over a bit of exposed skin on my upper arm.

Tingles raced up my arm as I turned to make eye contact with none other than Edward.

His eyes widened, confusion clouding his face before being replaced with panic as I turned, finally reaching his pride and joy.

''No! Please no!'' He shouted out at me as I reached up. . .

And promptly pushed it over.

An utterly heart broken look passed over the other man's face as I slipped back into the deepening smoke, my friends deploying even more smoke bombs, making it impossible to see.

Our little group slipped outside without hassle. . .Removing our masks and slipping into the crowd, doing our best to keep our voices down.

Peaceful chatter surrounded our group as I smiled, looking up towards the sky above.

Feeling nothing but vindictive joy.

What a lovely day


:) And Ash got the final one! Destroying something that took a year to make.

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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