Chapter 33:

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. . .Final bit of backstory from Felix~


As Seth cooked, Edward reluctantly sat down beside me, Having attempted to sit elsewhere before being rerouted by the currently mostly distracted man at the stove.

He probably just likes another chair better. . .

''So. . .You're in high school.'' Edward started, Eying me as he spoke. . .A certain. . .Tone, To his voice.

Huh, He must be thinking whatever it was Seth was thinking earlier! I know how to make him happier now!

''Yup! But I'm going to be eighteen real soon!'' I explained, Trying to sound, And keep sounding energetic, Not wanting to let on about the nerves currently twisting at my insides.

However, The man next to me had such a polar opposite reacting to Seth.

While the man at the stove has his back to us, Edward wrinkled his nose slightly, As if what I said disgusted him in some way or form as he once again looked me up and down.

Maybe he doesn't like the clothes I'm wearing?

''Well that's. . .Good to know'' Edward said in the sweetest tone of voice possible, Putting stress on the word 'good'.

My grin faltered slightly but stayed strong.

Well I'm glad to see he's okay with me! If a bit hesitant. . . But I can work on that!

With that in mind, I beamed happily at the still paint spattered man, Feeling quite a bit more comfortable now than I had been feeling mere moments ago.

I now had patterns I could follow! The two of them seemed happy-er!

I was contently in familiar waters.

''So, I know since you're in high school you most likely won't have too much free time or energy outside of school-'' Seth was saying when I heard Edward mutter under his breath.

''Yeah sure, He totally seems like the type of person who's future warrants actually learning more than basic addition.'' Edward hissed quietly under his breath, A. . .Sneer. On his face.

O-Odd jab. . .B-But I'm sure he's just purposefully messing with me. . .

''-but do you have any hobbies you've been interested in lately? Any shows or games that have caught your interest?'' Seth continued, His tone light and friendly, Coaxing my full attention back to himself.

''Oh! No, I don't have very many games to play at home and my parents don't want me watching shows they don't approve of'' I sheepishly explained as the dark haired man glanced back at me.

''But I really like to read! And I'm learning to cook! And-And'' I started to excitedly say before noticing Edward roll his eyes every so slightly.

Oddly enough, He froze upon seeing me watch him.

''And what else do you like to do with all your free time?'' Edward asked, Another nearly forced looking smile on his face.

I'm being boring.

''Nothin' much other than that. . .'' I explained, Trying to hold onto my cheer, Slipping into using words Ash would use.

''Nothin'?'' I could have sworn I heard both of them men mutter quietly, Seth sounding more fondly amused than anything.

Before this cozy scene could continue any further, A phone started to buzz, Loud and demanding.

Apparently it was Seth's.

He set the pot of ingredients to simmer before apologizing to Edward and I, Explaining that it was a call from an important client and then stepping out of the room.

Leaving me alone with. . .Edward.

He likes art! Right? I know about art! I'm going to make a good boyfriend!

''S-So, What hobbies do you like?'' I questioned excitedly, Expecting him to reluctantly reply, Like how Ash used to be when I first met him.

Something I could work with!

But no. Instead, A bitter sounding chuckle left the other man before he finally answered me.

''You can stop pretending. I'm not going to fall for it. I know your type.'' Edward hissed out quietly as he calmly examined his colorfully stained fingernails, Making my smile hesitate.

''P-Pardon?'' I questioned dumbly, Confused.

T-Type? Like. . .Blood type????

'' 'P-Pardon??' Oh shut up. I know the M.O. of kids like you. Nothing but rotten little, Pampered brats. You can drop the act. You're not winning me and when my soulmates bore of you, You'll have no shot.'' Edward whispered, His voice soft and polite sounding, If not for his words.

''Just another little trollop.''He cooed out.

''what'' I whispered quietly, Shocked nearly completely silent as Edward gave me a very cold, Tight lipped smile.

''Now don't you have school tomorrow? Sweetie. Why don't you run along home, Hurry your sad little butt up now'' He murmured cattily, Making shooing motions with his hands at the end of his sickly sweet order.

''Don't let the door hit you on the way out little gold digger'' He cooed out as he manually removed me from the chair, His hands biting into my skin way more than I expected.

As I stumbled along beside him, Trying to keep pace with him, I struggled to comprehend what all just happened with this man's sudden mood shift.

While we walked towards the door, The two of us passed Seth.

Spotting us, He covered his phone slightly so we could speak.

''Hey, what are you two up to?'' He questioned, Looking a tad worried.

''Oh he's just heading home, He's got school in the morning, Growing little kids like himself need all the sleep they can get.'' Edward lied smoothly, Placing his hands on both of my arms as he spoke cheerfully.

Despite his tone, His grip tightened around my arms in what felt like a warning.

 Swallowing down the tears that tried to start filling my eyes as I realized what was going on.

He hates me for existing? Why? What did I do? What did I do??

Nodding shakily, I swallowed down my warring, Sad emotions before giving in.

''I- I'm sorry, I have. . .H-Homework I'm supposed to have done. . .'' I explained. . .Lied.

Very blatantly lied.

A small chuckle left Seth at my lie, His eyes softening.

''Ah to be in school again. . .Best of luck to you Felix, Do be sure to come back and visit us whenever you feel up to it okay?'' Seth murmured fondly before turning back to his client.

And just like that, I was coldly thrown out of the house like an old piece of trash.


Alright, Out of surgery and more or less lucid! Here's this chapter.

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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