Does the devil like to eat toffee? 9.7

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"Little Toffee, do you know who I am?" Ryan moved and lifted his chin, forcing him to look at him.

You are my man!

Mo Zhiyang wrapped his legs around his waist, put his right hand around his neck, and leaned in: I want to eat milk, oooohhh! Boy mom!

When he was moved, Ryan put his hands on both sides of his head, leaned slightly, and wanted to kiss him.

As a result, Mo Zhiyang took advantage of this moment to dodge his request for a kiss, straightened up, opened his mouth, and bit the bulge on his left side, finally getting it.

Suddenly being bitten, Ryan frowned, and his movements became more fierce. With one free hand, he touched his bulge in retaliation. The pink one was so cute, and it was as cute as strawberry toffee.

"You are really my magical baby strawberry essence." Ryan squeezed and then gave him a hard slap, not giving him a chance to answer.

After eating, Ryan looked at the unconscious man lying on the bed and fell into deep regret.

"What, what did I do?" Ryan looked at his hands. The scene that just happened was still vivid in his mind, and he couldn't help but eat the toffee.

Ryan couldn't believe it, "I actually forced him?"

Ryan, who has always been calm and self-possessed, felt regret for the first time. It was not regretful, it could even be said that he had endless aftertaste. After all, the toffee was too sweet.

After hurriedly packing up for him, Ryan left and rushed to the Temple of Light.

"Woooooo~" Have you finally come to untie me? You groundhog! The God of Light watched him coming, but found something was wrong.

Why did he look very upset, as if something big had happened.

"I..." Ryan slapped his forehead in distress, "I forced him and did that to him. Little Toffee will definitely hate me. What should I do?"

The God of Light didn't understand, "?" A big golden question mark appeared above his head.

As long as Ryan is there, the God of Light can't peep, so he doesn't know what's going on.

"I forced that child, I did something to him." Ryan seemed to be unable to accept this fact until now, but when he thought about it, he couldn't help but be fascinated by him, "But he is so sweet."

"No, I can't do this!" Ryan paced helplessly, and his dark red cloak was lifted up because he walked too far, "I'm sorry for him."

But when he thinks of what he looks like underneath him, he feel so happy. No, it shouldn't be like this.

The God of Light couldn't figure out what he meant, and just watched him pacing back and forth, as ridiculous as a mole. Sure enough, love makes people blind.

Ryan didn't know what to do now. At the same time, he felt that it was worthwhile to do it again, but at the same time, he felt guilty. How could he treat him like that?

The God of Light looked at him like a fool. This guy is two-faced.

Watching him walking to the left, he muttered: "Little Toffee will definitely hate me to death. How could I do such a stupid thing."

Looking at him walking to the right again, "But he is so sweet and I love him so much. I really love him so much that I can't help but want it. It's so sweet."

He shook his head helplessly: He didn't want to admit that this mole who fell in love was his brother.

Mo Zhiyang turned over and didn't feel much discomfort, but there was some pain in his waist. He covered his waist and opened his eyes. The huge room was empty. He was stunned: Damn, are you leaving after the deed? You big milk! F*ck!

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