Shooting Stars

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Dumbledore was smiling and he shook his head, "I completely agree with you, Mr. Potter, that the state of the brooms is a travesty and I shall get you a stipend of gold from the Hogwarts accounts at Gringotts and you shall be fully funded to replace the school broomsticks immediately."

James, who had expected a debate and having to beg and explain for far longer than his opening remarks,  sat stunned. "Really?" he asked.

"Of course, Mr. Potter. If you say that the broomsticks are in need of replacing, then who am I to argue with you?  You have a professional opinion that I respect - it is why I hired you after all - and the school will absolutely replace the broomsticks upon your recommendation." Dumbledore nodded and reached into his desk drawer, retrieving a withdrawal slip for Gringott's. "How much do you suppose you will need for the broomsticks?" he asked.

James's jaw was slack with shock. "I - uh -" He thought quickly. A really great broomstick was quite expensive, and he obviously didn't expect Dumbledore to be furnishing the school with the top of the line, league-level brooms, but there were several cheaper models that were better than what the school had currently that were sturdy and easy to use (like the ones he'd bought for the Odair kids over the Summer, which he'd returned and exchanged for a better model for Michael, since he was the only one who'd been able to fly in the end). He wondered how much he could get away with supplying here at Hogwarts, thought? Could he pull off asking for the funds for forty mid-range brooms? He did some quick math. "Well, obviously we're not going for League-standard for the kids," he said, "But perhaps a good solid Shooting Star model... They just released the Shooting Star 1980, I'll reckon we could probably get some 79s discounted..."

Dumbledore nodded, "And how much are you needing?"

James watched as Dumbledore's quill hovered over the slip on the desk.

"Dunno," James murmured, then, aiming high to allow himself room to be talked down, he suggested, "Say the brooms are marked a hundred, I might be able to talk them down to seventy-five due to the volume...?" He bit his lip.

Dumbledore nodded, wrote out the withdrawal form, and passed it across the desk without so much as a blink. He'd written out the slip for a total which equaled out to more than a hundred galleons per broomstick. "Just return the change to Gringott's when you've finished." He put away the pad of slips and lay his quill on the desk top.

James stared at the slip, then looked back up at Dumbledore. He'd definitely expected more resistance to his request. "Thank you sir," he murmured, tucking the slip into his pocket.

"And your other concerns?"

James said, "Well, there's Sarah Struthers."

"Ah, yes, Sarah Struthers." Dumbledore paused, looking James over, "She's not in your class, Mr. Potter, I'm afraid I'm not sure what the trouble could be?"

"That's exactly it, sir. She's not in the flying class. I met her after the class - her older sister, Macy, brought Sarah over to meet me and she mentioned Sarah had been sorted separate from the other kids, too, and also that they'd only come down to the pitch so Macy could introduce me to her sister." James paused, frowning.

"Yes, we did a special sorting ceremony at the Stuthers' home when Minerva McGonagall and I personally delivered the letter of acceptance to Hogwarts to Miss. Sarah," he said, nodding. "DUe to the special circumstances regarding her... condition... I wished to be sure that Miss. Struthers would be able to be properly cared for and capable of communication while here at Hogwarts." Dumbledore paused, then, "As you know - due to your inclusion on the secrets of Mr. Lupin - I do try to include anyone who wishes to attend the school, however modified the track must be made to create ableness to all who attend. In this instance, we needed the young lady to be sorted Gryffindor in order to receive care with her elder sister."

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