I walk into the house, laughing, with Griffin right beside me and Corey in front of me joking like usual and making all of us laugh.
"Yo, do you think that race track place is open?" Griffin ask, softly hitting my shoulder with the back of his hand. I grab my phone and check it as the rest of the guys pour into the house.
"I don't know actually-"
"Sam!" I hear Colby call my name, I look up from my phone to my left and see Colby and another Colby? As well as another Sam and, what I'm guessing is, the other Mike? Colby didn't tell me they were coming over. Colby signals for me to come over and I turn to Griffin and Corey who are looking just as confused as I feel right now.
"Go check if they're open and we'll go tonight if possible, okay?" They both nod and go into the second living room while I fix my hair and head towards them, noticing how all of them, especially the other Colby, are staring at me. Its okay Sam. Just keep calm, you're okay.
"Okay guys, this is Sam. We we're just talking about you darling." I look up at him for a second.
"Really? Guess I made a perfect entrance timing, huh?" I joke, Colby hums and nods in response as I turn to the three in front of me.
"I'm guessing you guys already know who I am but I'm the other Sam. Nice to meet you." I shake all their hands one by one before getting to the other Colby. I instantly feel a click inside of me and my face starts heating up. Damn, he's cute... and handsome.. f*ck okay. You're already in a relationship Sam. Leave it be.
     "Nice to meet you too." The other Colby shakes my hand with a polite smile. My jaw drops,
     "No way that's your actual voice." I say out loud in almost utter disbelief. His voice is like, 2 times deeper than my Colby's what the f*ck! He's even buffer too...
     "Yeah, I get that a lot." The other Colby chuckles. We pull our hands away as I softly gulp, turning towards my Colby to distract myself from this god in front of me.
"I'm gonna go put my stuff away, okay?" Colby says 'ok' and I give him a peck on the lips before heading into my room and putting all my stuff away.

[30 minutes later]

     I rest my elbow on the back pillow of the couch as the other Sam rants about anything and everything, me just listening and nodding. I rest my face on the back of my hand and rest my other hand over my legs which are facing sideways towards the other Sam. I soon get bored and start zoning at the ground where the fluffy gray rug doesn't cover. I stay that way for what feels like a couple seconds before I take a deep breath and gulp, tearing my eyes away from the ground and looking up for only a second, noticing the other Colby staring at me intently. He quickly looks away and back at the other Mike and my Colby. I furrow my brows a bit before looking back at Sam.

[A Couple Hours Later]

     I pull out my phone and start texting Griffin and Corey on the couch with my back against the corner of the arm rest and my right leg bent over the edge of the couch while my left leg is bent underneath my right knee.

Sam Golbach 1 sec ago
Is the race track open??

     I lean my head against the back pillow while I wait for a response, glancing up at the sunset since it gives me the creeps but overall ignoring it. The entire room is filled with chatting and laughing as well as the sound of drinks opening. I feel myself getting tired, forcing my eyes slowly close. I occasionally force them open again to prevent myself from falling asleep. I soon lift my head off the back pillow and rub my face, looking at my phone. Still no response yet. God they take forever to answer me sometimes. As I sit up a bit more and clear my throat, a tall figure wearing a black t-shirt and a big black and silver cowboy belt and black leather pants walks by the couch and sits in the middle of it, the sudden smell of dew from a forest after it rains brushes pass me, creating suddenly and unexpected tug at my chest. I quickly gulp before looking at the figure sitting a foot away from me on the couch. The other Colby. A smile tugs at my lips as I watch him pull out his phone and play on it as everyone else ignores him and me, resting his cheek on his fist. I'm always attracted to the quiet ones, Jesus.
     I turn off my phone and lean forward a bit, looking at his phone but not fully paying attention to what he's doing on it.
     "So how's your day been? Whatcha been up to?" I ask calmly, looking up from his phone at his face. The other Colby looks at me and smiles slightly, turning off his phone.
     "My days been good, I've just been working, nothing special. How's your day been? What have you been up to?" A smile uncontrollably forms on my face. He's seriously as nice as he looks.
     "It's been good. Me and my other friends went out to Red Robins since we haven't done that in a while. I haven't been up to much though, just been driving around and checking out the place. It's been a while since I've been in L.A so I've just been checking out the new stuff. I've actually been hitting some of them racing places and just racing around the tracks and shit." Colby nods,
     "That sounds like fun, I'll have to take one of my cars and go do that one day when I'm not busy. Yeah, L.A is pretty cool, I wanna travel again though, just hard with work." My smile grows bigger,
     "Yeah I get it. What places have you been too? And do you want a White Claw? We have a lot here." I place my hands besides me, getting ready to get up to go grab us one.
     "Yeah actually, I love White Claw. I've been all around Cali, from Kansas, been to Florida, DC, had to go to Russia once, and a few other states." I nod and get up, grabbing him and me a White Claw.
     "I've been to about almost all of the US. Still some states I haven't hit yet. I haven't been to Russia but I have been to Ukraine. As well as Egypt, Dubai, Australia, Belgium, Romania, I've hit the UK a couple times but the best place of all is, hands down, New Zealand." I walk back over to the couch and hand him a White Claw as I open my own and sit in my previous position.
     "Thank you. That's really cool, I want to do that. Life's too short to be in one spot." Colby opens his White Claw and takes a sip.
     "Yeah definitely. I could probably get you a plane ticket if you'd like when you're not so busy. We could go to New Zealand or some place like that and I'll show you around." I jokily wink at him and make a clicking noise to add to it. Colby chuckles,
     "Shhh, we can't have Sam hear. He'd flip his shit." Colby says in a hushed tone as he leans close to me for a second. I laugh a bit,
     "I'm just offering you a vacation, no biggy, no need for him to lose his shit. You definitely need one with how much work you do from the sounds of it." I throw my hands up in surrender for a second before take a sip of my own white claw and set it in between my thighs.
     "He flips his shit over the littlest things. But seriously, that would be great but I'm always working sadly. And dealing with bullshit."
     "Yeah. Mafia's aren't fun, no offense. You should go to the Seychelles for your first vacation if you can. It's relaxing as hell there." I state calmly. I hate desk jobs. And mafias are basically desk jobs at this point.
    "None taken, honestly, I want out of this shit. It's fun at first but then once you reach your peak the only way to go is down. And that's where I've been, going down. It's not like it used to be." Colby takes another sip of his White Claw. I nod in response,
     "Yeah, that's why I prefer things where you never reach your peak. Its better that way. Your glory lives on for ages. That's my favorite kind of jobs. You're never quite forgotten there. It's nice honestly. Plus, not that much work. You just say f*ck it and do whatever." I take a sip of my own White Claw and set my drink down right in front of the arm rest on the ground.
     "I can't back out though, stuck doing what I'm doing." Colby takes a good sip of his White Claw, me watching intently. I promise I'll give you the vacation you need. Wherever you want to go. We'll go. I promise you that.

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