We're Brothers Now*

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(Stiles POV)

"Like I said, I told my dad everything I could–" I said, following a frantic Scott into his house.

"But you didn't tell him about Liam?" Scott asked, looking over his shoulder.

"You barely told me about Liam!" I stressed.

While Taylor, Malia, and I were trying to figure out Lydia's math notes--that aren't math notes--the same axe murderer that killed the family was at the hospital.

From the frantic phone call I got from Scott ten minutes ago, I found out that Liam somehow got caught up in the middle of it, and I couldn't tell Taylor.

Scott stopped at the bottom of the stairs, "And Taylor?

I sighed, rubbing the back of my neck. "Taylor's helping Malia figure out Lydia's math notes. Which, by the way, are not math notes."

Scott nodded, hesitantly looking upstairs. "What did you do with him, anyway?" I asked.

"He's upstairs," Scott said awkwardly as we walked up the stairs.

I furrowed my eyebrows, confused. "Doing what?"

Scott paused in front of his closed door, "Lying down."

I looked weirdly at him before he opened the door, revealing no Liam on the bed. I watched him slowly walk over to the bathroom door, cautiously looking back at me. This was not going to be good.

Scott opened his bathroom door, walking in as I trailed behind. Scott hesitantly reached for the shower curtain before opening it.

He opened the curtain and revealed Liam—duct tape around his mouth, arms, and legs, bound in the bathtub.

Liam looked at us like we were about to kill him as I sighed, already knowing this was not going to end well.

I slowly shut the shower curtain as Liam pleaded under the duct tape. But, with the duct tape, you couldn't understand him.

"So," Scott and I sat down on the edge of his bed, "you bit him?"

"Yeah," Scott said quietly.

"And you kidnapped him?"


"And you brought him here?"

"I panicked," Scott stressed.

I nodded, "Yup."

Scott sighed, dropping his head. "Taylor's going to kill me, isn't she?"

"Well," I considered how Taylor would react if she walked in to find her baby brother tied up in Scott's bathtub with a fresh new werewolf bite on his arm.

I sighed, "I think she'll yell at us, then kill you. I'll ask her to spare me, but she'll kill me anyway."

Scott's head dropped into his hands, defeated. "We can't let her find out," he shook his head, sitting up straight. "About any of this. The kidnapping, the bite. Any of it."

"That might be a little hard when Liam turns into a bloodthirsty werewolf on the next full moon, then possibly trying to kill her," I contradicted.

"You're not helping," Scott groaned.

I nodded, "But, just as a reminder, this is why I always devise the plans. Your plans suck!"

"I know," he nodded. "Which was why I called you. So, what do we do?"

Somehow, in less than five minutes, we could tape Liam to a chair in the middle of Scott's room.

"Liam," I said, pointing at him while he started daggers at Scott and me. "We're going to take the tape off your mouth. If you scream, it goes right back on. If you whisper, it stays off. Got it?"

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