Fever Dreams

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"Taylor, you need to stop with this paper already," Scott scolded me for the upteenth time since we sat down. "You're pulling your hair out."

I flick my eyes away from the paper in front of me for a second as I see Scott is right. There's a couple strands of my hair laying on my notebook. "I'll stop obsessing over this paper," I say, laying it down in front of me, turning it on the table so he can see it. "When someone can tell me why VOID is written in all capital letters in the middle of the paper with my boyfriend's name surrounding the whole word a thousand times, I'll relax." I say, taking a deep breath. "Or why I wrote it and why I can't remember a twenty minute period of time–" I cut my own self off coughing into my arm.

Scott pushes my water in front of me as I sniffle, taking a sip. "You need to finish that before we leave this courtyard, Taylor."

I groan, "I've already had three 32oz bottles of water today, Scott. I think my bladder might explode if I drink anymore."

"But you're sick," he contradicts. "You need to be drinking water so you don't get dehydrated." 

"I know," I nod, taking the paper back and laying it on top of my notebook.

Scott grabbed a bag of my favorite cough drops out of his bag, sliding them over to me. "Did my mom give you anything for it?"

"Yeah," I nod, taking one of the cough drops, "she said it was strep, so she gave me medicine for it."

"No offense," Scott takes the bag back, sealing it up, "but you don't seem to be getting any better."

"Well I didn't feel awfully sick until Stiles and I left the school last night after the party," I explained. "A couple days before that I didn't feel well, but it wasn't as sucky as I feel right now."

"Where is Stiles?" Scott asked, scanning the other picnic tables in the courtyard of the school.

"Probably pouting in some corner," I laughed, but it quickly turned into another cough.

Scott furrows his eyebrows at me, "Why is he pouting?"

I roll my eyes, "I won't let him kiss me right now because I don't want to get him sick." I shrug, knowing that Stiles is probably butt hurt right now, but it's better than him also getting sick. "He's not handling it well."

Scott shakes his head, not being able to stop himself from laughing. "I won't be able to stop him from–" I quickly stopped myself from finishing that sentence, realizing that I was talking to Scott, and what I was about to say–Scott has no idea about yet.

But Scott being a boy, and well, being Scott–his head perked up right away. "What were you gonna say?" He asked, tilting his head to the side, knowing I'm hiding something.

I quickly shaked my head, "Nothing."

"Your heart just skipped a beat, Taylor," he smirked, knowing he was going to pry this out of me. "Come on, tell me!"

I shake my head, grabbing the paper I was looking at earlier again, shoving it in front of him. "Look at this instead," I say, shoving it at him.

I know I lost this battle as I see his mouth drop open and his eyes go wide. "Taylor Emmerson Dunbar," he said, a big smile on his face as he just stared at me. He placed a hand over his heart, his mouth turning into a sweet smile, "You're all grown up now. You and Stiles–"

"I beg you not to finish that sentence," I drop my head into my hands, now incredibly embarrassed. I shake my head before looking back up at Scott, who is now looking over my shoulder and smiling like an idiot. I quickly turned around to see Stiles walking over to us, a small smile on his face.

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