I Don't Trust Nobody, and Nobody Trusts Me

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Song: Look What You Made Me Do by Taylor Swift (sadly not Taylor's Version)


(Stiles POV)

Present Day

"Can someone please tell me why Derek is here?" I groaned, looking into my rearview mirror at Derek, who was crammed in the trunk.

Rolling his eyes, Scott said, "He's here to help."

"What would help is if you stopped hitting every goddamn pothole in the road," Derek argued, rubbing at his head. "I shouldn't have to sit in the trunk."

I scoffed, "I can drop you off on the side of the road if you want. Or you can stop complaining, or else I'll hit every bump in the road."

"Okay, hear me out," Isaac cut in. "We come up with a game plan instead of bitching at each other?"

I shook my head before I looked over and saw Scott glaring at me not to say anything. As much as I hated to admit it, Isaac was right. We do need a game plan. We had no idea what waited for us at the hospital. Scott and the rest of the pack had never fought anything with supernatural superhero powers, so Derek was sitting in the trunk. We needed anybody we could get. We asked Derek to bring Erica and Boyd, but when he showed up by himself and asked where they were, he ignored us and got into the trunk.

"So what's our game plan then?" Allison questioned. "We can't just barge in and hope she doesn't kill us."

"We have to see if Taylor's being mind-controlled first," I said. "If she is, then we know we have to make that our main priority. We have to find the switch."

"Deaton said it would be in the same building or area they kept Taylor in," Scott recalled as I pulled into the hospital parking lot. "We just have to find that building."

"And that's where Deaton comes into the picture," Lydia added as she leaned forward in her seat, looking out the front windshield. "We came here to deal with Taylor. Deaton will wait a block down to see if anyone leaves the hospital--"

Allison cut her off, "And if someone does, Deaton will follow them. Maybe lead us to the building."

I pulled into the closest parking spot, parked the jeep, and took the keys from the ignition. I looked out Scott's window and saw Taylor's car sitting in a parking spot a few spots down. Her car was the only one in the lot.

We silently made our way out of the jeep, Isaac going to the trunk and letting Derek out. The two gathered in our circle, standing before the main doors. We stood there, silently exchanging glances. How were we going to do this? We've taken down an alpha werewolf and a kanima, but someone with superpowers? Controlling the energy in every room, manipulating minds--Taylor was untouchable, and how the fuck do you stop untouchable?

I slowly turned around, facing the door. I felt Scott's hand lay on my shoulder, giving it a soft squeeze. He knew how hard this was going to be for us. We grew up with Taylor. We were there when she lost her first tooth, did her first front flip, tried her first bite of sushi--later finding out she was allergic to seafood, her first time seeing Pitch Perfect, her first breakup, her first broken bone, her first everything. Scott and I were there. Now, we were going to be there when we lost her. I couldn't imagine losing her. I couldn't lose my best friend. I couldn't lose the person I was in love with.

"There's no turning back now," I muttered, facing the group, who shared the same uneasy look. Isaac, Derek, and Scott already had their claws bared in case we walked into a trap; Allison had her bow at her side and arrows ready. "And remember, even though it's Taylor, she's the enemy," I sighed, shaking my head. "We take her down, we get her back."

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