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The bus ride back went by too fast—way too fast. I stood on my front porch steps, staring at the door. I'd been here for three minutes. My parents were home because their car was in the driveway, but they hadn't come to the door yet. And I knew they knew I was here because Stiles' car screeched into the driveway; the thing was old.

Stiles cleared his throat from behind me, "Are you going to knock, or are you having a staring contest with the door?"

I sighed deeply, "No, just waiting for them to open the door."

"What if they are on the other side, waiting for you to knock?"

"Good point." I raised my shaky hand, knocking twice on the door. I held my breath until the door opened seconds later. I could tell just by the looks on their faces that they were as scared as I was.

I lowered my hand to my side, letting out a shaky "Hi."

They both smiled, sadness in both of their eyes. Then, the unexpected happened. They pulled me into a hug. Their bodies instantly relaxed as they wrapped themselves around me. They sniffled and gasped, trying not to cry as they hugged me tighter.

I let out a shaky sigh as I melted into their arms, my cheeks becoming wet. I let them hug me tighter as we stood like that for another minute. It was the first part of their apology, and I knew they meant it, even without words. I couldn't help but cry harder as they hugged me tighter. It felt so nice and freeing. Years of weight had been lifted off my shoulders with just one hug—one single hug.

They slowly pulled back, tear stains on their cheeks. My mom bent down and kissed my head before looking behind me at Stiles—who I had forgotten was even there. She squeezed my shoulder before she walked around me, heading right for Stiles.

I turned around in time to see my mom pull him into a hug, "Thank you for watching over her," my mom said sincerely.

I felt my dad place a hand on my shoulder as Stiles hugged my mom. He said something, but I couldn't hear it. My mom slowly pulled away from Stiles, taking a small step back. She turned to face me, "We'll be inside whenever you're ready."

I nodded as she walked past me, smiling before she and my dad walked inside, shutting the door behind me.

I looked back at Stiles, seeing the same tears in his eyes as mine. He took one giant step forward, wrapped his arms around my waist, and hugged me. My arms instantly wrapped around his neck as I nuzzled my head into the crook. We didn't say anything; we just held each other.

I was the first to pull away, taking a deep breath as I removed my arms around my neck to wipe at my eyes. When I pulled my hands away from my eyes, I looked up to see Stiles already looking at me. A familiar heat flushed my cheeks.

Neither of us said anything about what happened between us at the motel. Well, everything that's been happening between us. We both knew what was happening between us; everyone knew what was happening. It was really, really obvious. We wanted each other but were both scared to do anything about it. We knew what we were thinking; we didn't want to lose each other. We couldn't live without each other, and that could be the outcome if something went wrong.

Losing each other.

But that's not the only reason I was scared to say anything to him about how I felt.

How could I trust myself that I wouldn't turn back? How could I trust myself at all? I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I did anything to him. And I know that he's told me that I didn't do anything to him, that it wasn't really me who hurt him. But sometimes, when he's looking at me, I can see it in my eyes—that deep down, he's still scared of me.

Chaos Magic (Stiles Stilinski)Where stories live. Discover now