I'm the Incredible Hulk

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I didn't end up staying the night at Stiles' house. It turns out there was an actual mountain lion attack in the parking lot after parent/teacher conferences and Stiles' dad got hurt. He didn't get horribly hurt, there were just some bruises and soft tissue damage.

I told Stiles I could stay with him so he wouldn't go out of his mind, but he insisted I go home to rest. When I told him that I didn't need to sleep and would be up all night worrying instead, he insisted that I go home. When I told him again that I could stay with him, he practically kicked me out of the car and almost locked me in my room.

This is what happens when you put two stubborn people head to head.

So now here I am, sitting on my living room couch alone. I was in the middle of watching The Office for the 1000th time before there was a knock on the door. I quickly paused the TV and ran to the door, thinking it would be Stiles. But God, was I wrong. On the other side of the door stood Derek. I hadn't even said a word before he barged in.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I asked, slamming the door behind me.

"I need your help." Derek shrugs his shoulders, standing still in the middle of the living room.

"Why in the world do you think I would help you?"

Derek doesn't answer me as he makes his way into the kitchen. I quickly follow after him, making sure he doesn't break anything. "Scott." He avoids my question, opening up the fridge.

"What about him?" I asked, plopping down on a stool next to the island.

"I need you to keep him away from Allison." He shut the fridge, turning around with an apple in his hands.

"Why me?"

"Because I don't want to do it," he admitted. "And Scott doesn't like or listen to me. I know for a fact he will listen to you, so you need to do it."

"If you haven't seen, Scott doesn't like being told what to do." I cross my arms, leaning them on the island.

"Does it look like I care?" He took a bite of his apple. "Oh, and I also need you to tell me everything they talk about, you know, werewolf/alpha wise."

"What? You have to be joking." I stood up abruptly, making the chair squeak on the floor.

"No, I'm not," Derek stressed. "Scott and Stiles don't like or trust me, but you, for whatever reason, seem to think the opposite. I need them to trust me because you can't defeat the alpha without me."

I walk over to him, ripping the apple from his hands, "I'm not going to be your bitch, Derek." I turned to the trash, throwing the apple away.

"That's not what I'm asking." He turned to face me.

"Feels like it," I whispered to myself, knowing he can still hear.

"Look," I turned around to face him, "The alpha is coming after Scott, and you guys can't handle it alone. All I need you to do is get them to trust me." 

I stared at him for a moment, considering my options. "Fine. I'll do it."


I parked my car next to the bike rack the next day to make sure I could catch Scott. When I saw him pull up, I quickly exited the vehicle. "Hey, Scotty!"

"Oh, hey Taylor," he smiled. "I'm glad you're here. I actually need your help." He took his helmet off, clasping it to his bike.

I groaned, "Oh God, what?" 

He lightly grabbed ahold of my arm and pulled me with him. "Allison. I need to stay away from her for a while."

Oh, that was easy.

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