Because They Were Nobodies

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I showered for twenty minutes before deciding I couldn't stand anymore. I took my time drying off and getting dressed; Stiles probably had no interest in talking to me anymore.

After I brushed my teeth, I took a moment and looked at myself in the mirror. The shiner Erica gave me started to take shape; purple and blue formed under my eye. The bruise didn't help draw attention away from the purple bags still forming under my eyes.

I sighed, lifting my shirt. My bruises had somehow gotten worse. Still, with their blue, purple, and red complexity, a yellow had added itself into the mix. The wounds that started to heal made no progress. At my last check-up, the doctor told me I wasn't allowed to get my stitches out.

The doctors had no explanation for why I was not healing like I should.

But Tate does.

Tate seemed to know exactly what was happening to me and how to fix it. And I can't walk up to him and ask him to fix it. I don't even know where he is; he just appears.

But they all want something from me.  They said I was their 'prized possession.' That I would work with them sooner rather than later.

Frankly, I wish they would just get it done and over with. If Tate has a way to fix--help me, I will do whatever they wanted. 

I can't handle this pain anymore. I can't keep Tate, Alma, and Joey a secret from Stiles and Scott any longer. It's tearing me apart.

It's tearing us apart.

What happens if Stiles and Scott find out on their own? Would they be mad at me? Would they feel sorry for me? Would they push me away?

Stop overthinking Taylor.

I dropped my shirt, took a deep breath, and walked to my room. The door was shut, and the lights were off. 

Stiles must be sleeping. Which was fine; I can't talk about this right now.

All I want to do is sleep and eat. My stomach has been growling all night, begging for even a crumb of food. But who knows? I probably would've thrown that up anyway.

I quietly shut the door behind me and climbed into bed. Stiles took up most of the bed since he liked to sleep in the dead middle. What was with that? I curled up in my little space on the bed, not wanting to wake him.

"Goodnight, Taylor," Stiles mumbled, half asleep.

"Goodnight, Stiles."


"Did you get any sleep last night?" Scott asked as I sat down at my desk beside him.

I shook my head, barely keeping my eyes open. "I tossed and turned all night."

Scott took a moment to look me over, "Is it your stomach? Is that why you can't sleep?"

"It's like someone is poking needles repeatedly into my stomach all night," I looked at Scott. "I haven't slept in a week because of it."

His eyes widened, "A week?" I nodded. 

"Taylor, maybe you should go home and try to get some sleep," Scott suggested. "Or you can go see my mom and make her give you, like, a sedative or something. I can even talk to her if you want?"

I sent a small, appreciative smile his way. "It's okay. I plan on trying to get sleep after school these next couple of weeks--shit."

"What?" Scott asked, taking his notebook out of his bag.

"We have the Kanima to deal with." Scott opened his mouth to interject, but I kept talking, "Do you have any ideas on who it could be?"

He shook his head. "It could be anyone. But Taylor, Stiles and I can handle it. You need to rest and get better. Let us deal with the Kanima. We'll keep you in the loop, I promise."

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