Under the Gun

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"Matt Daehler?"

"Yeah," Stiles replied.

"Matthew Daehler?"

"Yes. Matt Daehler is the real killer," I clarified for Stilinski as I laid back on Stiles' bed. When we learned that Matt controlled the Kanima, Stiles, Scott, and I rushed home to tell his dad. We've tried to convince him for the last five minutes, but he's still uncertain.

I made sure I changed into something other than Lydia's lovely dress. If I got that thing dirty, she would probably kill me.

"Yes," Stiles stressed. "Matthew freaking Daehler."

His dad shook his head, "No."

"Yes," Stiles shot back.

Stilinski rolled his eyes, "No."

"Dad, come on." Stiles stood from his desk chair, "Everyone knows the police look for ways to connect victims in a murder. All Matt had to do was go through their transcripts and find out which classes they all attended."

Stilinski put his hands on his hips, "Except for the rave promoter, Kara, who wasn't in Harris's class."

Stiles tilted his head to the side, "Oh yeah," he squinted, "that's right." He looked at his dad, "So I guess they're dropping the charges against him?"

I sat up from my spot on the bed, also interested, Scott doing the same. Stilinski glared at us before sighing, "No, they're not dropping the charges." He pointed a finger at us, "Which doesn't prove anything." He turned to Scott and me, "Scott, Taylor, you believe this?"

I nodded while Scott said, "It's not easy to explain how we know, but if you can just trust us. We know it's Matt."

"He took Harris's car," Stiles said. "He knew if the cops found tire tracks at one of the murders and that if enough of the victims were in Harris's class, he'd be arrested." Stiles crossed his arms over his chest, indicating he would not back down. 

"All right, fine." Stilinski gave in. "I'll allow the remote possibility. But give me a motive. Why would this kid want most of the 2006 swim team and its coach dead?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Stiles asked like it was. "Our swim team sucks! They haven't won in years." From his dad's glare, Stiles said, "Okay, we don't have a motive yet. But then again, does Harris?"

Stilinski sighed as he ran his hands over his face.

"Uhm," I cleared my throat, "I might have something." 

Stilinski took his hands away from his face, "Tell me because if it's any better than that, I want to hear it, Taylor."

I took a deep breath, "Okay, I'm not sure how this would fit into the whole murder situation, but we could keep him at the station with another charge while we look into it."

"What other charge?" Stilinski asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Breaking and entering, stalking. I'm not sure."

I felt tension thicken the room. "What are you talking about?" Stiles asked, an edge in his voice. 

I took a deep breath, "Allison came over to my house before Lydia's party tonight. She went to the party with Matt, and she drove Matt home. Matt left Allison alone in the car for a minute or two, and she found his camera," I glanced at Stilinski to see if he was still listening, and he was intently, so I continued. "She wanted to just look at the pictures he'd been taking for clubs and sports because she's seen him taking pictures everywhere as I have. But when she scrolled through the photos, there were pictures of her."

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