I'm Matt, From History

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I ran around town for an hour, and sadly, I'm not joking. No place felt safe. I thought if I stayed put for too long, they'd find me and kill me. I checked over my shoulder every thirty seconds, checked every corner before I turned, and kept my head low.

The only place I stopped was my house to change. Let's just say that the hospital gown wasn't the most comfortable thing in the world. So I quickly stopped at my house and changed into my pajamas.

After my house, I had nowhere to go but ended up back at the hospital. I plopped down on the curb, not wanting to go inside and face all the mad glares and questions.

I pulled my knees to my chest, laid my head on my arms, and took deep breaths.

Finally calming down and getting a little cold, I stood up, ready to go inside.

But something stopped me where I stood. Him. He stood directly across from me in the parking lot, glaring at me. 

I started backing up, almost tripping over the curb, "No, no, no, no, no..." I whispered to myself. My chest heaved, my breathing becoming heavy and choppy.

No way. No way he was here. How did they find me already? It's too soon. Why is he just standing there? "No, no, no, no..." Tears spilled over, and my breathing became more rapid by the second.

He approached me fast. I ran into the hospital as fast as I could, feeling a panic attack come on. I stumbled into the waiting room, crying and making a total scene. I was scared to look behind me. What if he was there? What if he already got me, and now I'm dead and in hell?

Everybody looked at me as I collapsed to my knees on the floor. I heard people yelling and walking up to me, touching my shoulders or arms, seeing what I needed. 

Needing to know, I quickly looked behind me to see him standing right outside the door, smirking at me.

I let it all go without being able to hold it back anymore. I allowed my panic attack to take control. Even though I couldn't breathe, I quickly got up from the ground, shoving all the people by me aside. I rushed through the double doors, crying and gasping for air, looking for anyone: Stiles, Scott, Melissa, Allison, anyone who could help.

Then, the universe sent my saving grace. Down the hallway, around the corner, came Sheriff Stilinski. As soon as he saw me, he rushed my way, catching me before I collapsed to the ground. He hugged me tight to his chest as he called out for someone to page Melissa while I tried to get my panic attack under control, which was hard knowing that he could be in the building disguised as a nice man visiting his family.

"Taylor, I need you to breathe. Melissa's on her way." Stilinski pulled me closer, "Just breathe, you're safe, you're safe."

"No...No...he's...right out there." I choked out between sobs.

"Who? Who's here, Taylor?"

"Don't--don't make me go out there," I said, my breathing not slowing.

"I'm not going to make you go anywhere--"

"Dad? Dad, what's going on--" I heard Stiles approaching us from a mile away.

Stiles knelt next to me, Stilinski slowly letting go and handing me off to Stiles. Stiles instantly took me in, holding me tight. "It's okay, Taylor, it's okay. I'm right here, it's okay. Just take deep breaths with me, okay?"

"O--okay." Stiles started taking deep breaths, letting his chest rise and fall as I followed. It took a couple of minutes, but I finally could bring my breathing back to normal. Stiles chuckled, hugging me tighter into his chest, "You remember when you used to do this for me all the time?"

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