I'm Finally Happy

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(Stiles POV)

Tonight, Taylor couldn't stay the night. Her parents had come down with the flu and she had to stay there a couple nights to take care of them. I wish I could say that I slept fine without her, but then I would be lying.
"No, no, no, no, no...Don't let them in...Don't let them in...No, don't let them in..." I shot up in my bed, gasping, clutching at my chest.

I felt the bed shift next to me, "You okay? Stiles?"

I look over to see Taylor sitting up, right next to me. Her hair was up in a messy bun, her curtain bangs tucked behind her ears from when I put them there. Her eyes were heavy as my shirt hung loosely on her body.

I nod, a bit confused. "Yeah...I was just dreaming. It was weird–it was like a dream within a dream."

She nods now, understanding. She grabs my hand, holding it in hers. "A nightmare?"

"Yeah," I squeezed her hand back before looking back at her, confused. "Wait a second...Taylor, what are you doing here? I thought you were watching your parents?"

She doesn't answer as the creaking sound of the door pulls my attention away from her. I looked over to see the door cracked open from when I had it shut earlier. I wiggled my hand out of her grip, pushing up off the bed as I didn't take my eyes off the door. I slowly walked over as Taylor said, "Stiles, where are you going?"

"I'm just gonna close the door," I mutter, not taking my eyes off of the door.

I heard her pat the bed, "Just come back to sleep."

"No," I shook my head. "No. I should close it..."

"Don't worry about it."

"What if someone comes in?" I counter.

"Like who?" She asks. I don't answer as I lay my hand on the doorknob. "Just come back to sleep, Stiles." She says, a slight begging tone in her voice.

"No," I shake my head, opening the door farther. Something on the other side of the door is pulling me in, and I can't stop my mind from wanting to go in there. "But what if they get in?"

"Stiles," I can hear the clear anxiety in her voice as she calls my name. "Just leave it. Please, Stiles...Stiles, come back to bed," she begs now. When I open the door more and start to step through, she doesn't stop. "Stiles, please. Don't, Stiles! Don't! Don't go in there, please don't!"

"I just need to look," I mutter, not recognizing my own words.

"Stiles, don't!" Is all I hear before walking through my bedroom door. I walked through the door, coming out to the Beacon Hills Preserve on the other side; the Nematon sitting there, right in front of me. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my fast heart rate as I knew what was happening. "It's just a dream," I muttered to myself. "This is just a dream...it's just a dream."

All of the sudden lights flashed on, illuminating the whole area around me. I could feel my heartbeat behind my ears and behind my eyes as I tried to fight to wake myself up. "Get out of your head, Stiles. You're dreaming, all right?" I shook my head, focusing my eyes on one point of the tree stump. "So, wake up, Stiles. Wake up, Stiles."

I threw my hands over my ears, pushing as I also squeezed my eyes shut. "Wake up!"

"Hey, time to get up, kiddo."

My eye's shoot open as I suddenly sit up, seeing my dad standing in the doorway. He's dressed in his uniform as the sun pours into the room. It was just a dream. "Taylor not being here to wake you up is adding to my schedule, so I have to run," he points down the hallway. "So, get your butt to school."

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