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"Taylor, obviously something happened," Scott raised his voice as he stood in front of my door, Allison right by his side. After Void had left and Scott and Allison showed up, they noticed right away that something was wrong. Two things had thrown them off: my heart rate–jumpy/timid attitude and the hickey on my neck.

After telling them nothing was wrong and to just forget about it, they blocked any exit to my room. I just need them gone so I can figure out what the hell is happening with me. Ever since Void got in my head about how I truly feel about my powers, what they're meant for–what I'm meant for...I can't stop thinking about it.

Ever since he left and got me all riled and shaken, something is having a reaction in my body; my powers. I can feel them clawing at my skin, my bones, itching for me to let it all out–let her out. I feel like someone highly addicted to cocaine needed their next fix. Instead of quieting my mind, Scott and Allison are making it race, demanding all these questions.

"Nothing happened, that's what I'm trying to tell you," I raise my voice right back as I sit on the edge of my bed, my legs bouncing like crazy.

Scott shakes his head, "Taylor, your heartbeat is off the walls right now." He un-crosses his arms from his chest, "Something is obviously bothering you."

"Did you leave the house?" Allison asked, trying to drag something out of me as I took a deep breath, just trying to stay calm. Just hold it back. You don't want to kill them. You don't want to kill anyone. That. Isn't. You. "Did something happen when you left the house?" She gestures her arms out, "Did something happen in the house? In the room?"

I shook my head, casting my eyes to the ground, not answering. I needed them to get out before I blew a fuse. Scott groans, "Obviously something happened," Scott said in a snarky, know-it-all tone that made me look up at him.

I scoffed, standing to my feet. "What's that supposed to mean?" Him and Allison share a look of 'whose going to say it?' I clench my fists at my side, "Well, we don't have all day!"

Allison huffs, "The hickey on your neck Taylor, where you'd get it?"

I fight every urge to bring my hand up to my neck, knowing exactly what spot Stiles left it. "It's an old one," I say, taking a deep breath.

"Taylor," Allison sighs, starting to grow irritated, "that's obviously and clearly new."

I don't answer as Scott stares at me, his eyebrows slowly drawing together. He shook his head, "Are you cheating on Stiles? Is that why you can't tell us where you went or what happened?"

A great look of shock falls on my face as I shake my head in disappointment, "Do you actually think I would ever cheat on Stiles?" Scott doesn't say anything as he just stares at me, totally serious, waiting for an answer. "I love him, Scott," my voice raises again, growing agitated, "I would never do that. I can't believe you would ever think I would!"

"Then why can't you tell us what happened?" he raised his voice again, a pleading look on his face.

My room suddenly became very hot, causing me to take my sweatshirt off. I ignored Scott...again, walking over to the closet. "Taylor, please, just tell us–"

"I went and saw him okay!" I yelled now, letting all of my anger out. The room shook, the closet doors shaking, the walls, the floor, the whole house. My body felt suddenly relieved as red magic slithered over the floors and walls. Several pictures, posters, medals, vinyals, and plants fell off the wall, some clattering to the floor. "Is that what you wanted to hear?" I asked, my voice still raised, still yelling.

Scott and Allison looked shocked–and I couldn't tell if it was from what just happened to my room, or the fact that I went and saw Stiles. "You went to Eichen?" Allison asked, her voice nearly a whisper.

Chaos Magic (Stiles Stilinski)Where stories live. Discover now