Season Two: A/N & Prologue

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Yay! All done with season one!

I'm so excited to write season two mostly because I'm adding a PART B in season two!

Like I said in the authors note in the last chapter, I have all of it planned out, now I just have to write it :) I am starting school soon with a fall sport so updates might not be as constant as they have been, but I will try to post one every week!


Prologue S2A

Friendships are supposed to last forever, right? That's what I always believed in. Friendships last until the day you die.

Someone once told me that your friends were your family. Family doesn't just run in your blood, and I believed every word of that stupid lie. My friends were my real family, until they weren't.

But that's life right?

Life throws shit at you and you're supposed to work it out, find a way to make it better.

But what do you do when your whole belief system gets smothered into oblivion? What do I believe in when it no longer exists?

But in the end, I'm always alone. When I go home at night an arrive to an empty house filled with eerie silence. But I've learned to grow used to the silence. I've learned to be alone with my thoughts, even though sometimes they aren't pretty.

Being alone isn't awful. I like to be alone. But the thing is, when nobody notices that I'm gone, it tears me to shreds. And I guess it's my fault for being so invisible, standing off to the side and not putting myself out there. But just once, I want someone to ask, "Where's Taylor? Where did she go?"

I'm just afraid of being forgotten. Which is odd, I've never been scared of anything, until I'm alone and the darkness swallows me whole.

I still recall my greatest fear. I toss and I turn when the light shut off, thinking, 'did I lock the door, the windows?' That's where it starts, but it never ends. The fear of what lurks in the dark turns into bloody wrists and paranoia that takes the reins on my breathing and heartbeat.

But I keep fighting, not for me, but for my friends. I don't want to leave them behind without me. I don't have the strength, but it seems like they already found the strength to leave me behind.


"You say you're protecting me but what hurt me more was you disappearing when I needed you the most. I needed you. You promised that you'd be there. You were the one who told me that family isn't just blood and I believed you. No matter what I did or what I said, the people I love would always leave. I never in my life thought you guys would."


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