Liam Dunbar

183 10 101

(Stiles POV)

Taylor left quickly this morning, claiming she had something to deal with. When I asked her, she said, "It's a surprise," and ran out the door. Nobody knew what she was talking about or doing, not even Scott, to whom she told everything.

I shook her surprise out of my head as Scott and I walked toward the field, "Of course, you're still the team captain," I told him. "You got your grades up, just like Coach told you to, right?"

"Yeah," Scott nodded as we passed the bleachers. "But he never told me I was back on the team–he just told me to show up at tryouts today."

I waved him off, "We got bigger things to deal with anyway. Did you tell Argent yet?" I asked.

Scott stopped, so I turned to look at him. "I texted him, but he didn't reply."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "You told him his sister returned from the dead over a text?"

Scott shrugged, looking a little guilty. "I didn't have the money to call France."

I nodded, understanding. "Yeah, you think you have money problems? Try paying for an MRI and a visit to Eichen House."

While talking to young Derek at the station, I found two notices on my dad's desk. One for the bill we never paid for the MRI and another bill we never paid for my short stay at Eichen House.

Scott's face fell, "Another notice?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "This one said 'final.'"

"Did you tell Taylor?"

I quickly shook my head, "No, and you know why."

Scott nodded, "She would pay out of pocket the second she knows about it."

I sighed, "Exactly. So don't mention that to Taylor. She's already jumpy today."

Scott's face scrunched in confusion, "You still haven't heard from her?"

"No," I said. "Taylor hasn't answered any of my texts."

Scott narrowed his eyes at me, "Why don't you seem as nervous as you always are about this?"

"She said it was a surprise," I raised my eyebrows, "and usually her surprises are good things, so I'm not that worried."

That was a lie. I was worried.

Scott's eyes widened as he looked over my shoulder, "Maybe you should..."

I quickly turned around to find Taylor and another guy on the side of the field. She had a massive smile on her face, along with this other guy who was, for some reason, talking to her. Their conversation looked normal like they'd been hanging out for years. My blood boiled.

Two other players approached them before pulling the guy away, but not before I could make out the words "good luck" on Taylor's lips. My grip tightened on the strap of my bag as I began to walk in her direction, only before Scott pulled me back. "Dude, don't."

When I forced myself to look away from Taylor, who was cheering on this guy who caught every ball before it went into the net, Scott forcefully shook his head at me.

"I'm gonna kill him," I grit through my teeth, slightly bouncing on my toes so I didn't run over to Taylor and put on a whole display just to show that guy that she was mine.

"You're not going to kill anyone," Scott grabbed both of my shoulders.

"Who the hell is that?" I asked, my anger only growing by the second.

Scott looked over my shoulder, his eyes wide again. Worried that guy was by Taylor again, I quickly turned to find him still, catching every ball thrown at him. "Competition," Scott muttered.

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