I Am A Virgo After All

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"And then you what? You killed her?" Stiles asked as we all got out of his jeep, making our way to the school.

"I don't know. I woke up. I was sweating like crazy, and I couldn't breathe. I've never had a dream where I woke up like that."

"I have." I pipe up.

"I have to. But it usually ends a little differently." Stiles smirks to himself. I, on the other hand scrunched my face in disgust.

"A: I meant I've never had a dream that ever felt that real," Scott clarified with disgust. "B: Never give me that much detail about you in bed again."

"I second that," I piped in. 

"Noted," Stiles sighed. "But I'm going to take a guess here--"

"I know. Do you think it has something to do with me going out with Allison tomorrow?" Scott questioned, looking between Stiles and me. "Like I'm afraid I'm going to lose control and rip her throat out."

Stiles scoffed nervously, "No, of course not."

"He's lying," I mutter under my breath.

Stiles scoffed, "Yeah, okay. I'm lying. That's totally it." Scott drops his head.

"It's gonna be okay, Scotty, I promise," I reassure him, giving him a side hug.

"Personally, I think you're handling this pretty fricking amazingly," Stiles squeezed Scott's shoulder. "It's not like there's a Lycanthropy for Beginners Class you can take."

"I could teach you," I offered. "I mean, I was right that you were a werewolf. You guys said it was a stupid theory, but guess who was right, me!"

"Not now, Taylor." The boys say in unison. "But hey, not a class. But maybe a teacher." Scott continued talking to Stiles.

"I'll see ya guys later," I muttered as I walked away. I offered to help, and yes, I was being a smart-ass, but I offered to help. It happens a lot. I speak my opinions and throw in my thoughts, and I either get told, "No, that's not right." or "No, that's not possible." There are many other things, but my thoughts, ideas, or assumptions are never right. But I end up being right every time.

Just like with Scott. I was right about him, and what did the boys tell me? They told me that my idea was idiotic.

I could definitely teach Scott. I'm a hard-working person. That's how my parents raised me. I complete all my homework, projects, and tests with the best quality and precision. Nothing is ever late, ever. I even got my first job, which I still have, when I was fourteen. 

Stiles and Scott also always hate it when I tutor them. I've been called, what you would say, critical, uptight, and picky. I'm great at schoolwork and have a specific way of learning and studying, so when Stiles and Scott don't do the same thing as me when I'm tutoring them, I get a little dramatic. 

I wouldn't say I have high standards, but I definitely do. For example, it bothers me a lot if I'm doing a math problem one way and Stiles or Scott do it differently. Then I get all picky with them and try to change it, and it just ends up as a total shit show.

What could I say, though? I am a Virgo, after all.

It just bothers me how my opinions are never right with them. Like, I just can't be right. The boys know I'm very opinionated. So when they always tell me I'm wrong, it pisses me off. Which brings out my stubborn ass, and I shut down. When I get really stubborn, I'll just stop talking and make people feel bad, and I don't give a single fuck. Not one. They can feel bad for all I care. I'm in this position because of them, after all.

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