You Drew Stars Around My Scars

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(Taylor's POV)

So, a slight setback.

Stiles and Peter were right about the vault business. Allison also showed up, and somehow, the mountain ash barrier was broken. So, guess what I was doing?

I chased Boyd and Cora--Derek's sister--who was supposed to be dead, through the woods. Fun night.

Boyd and Cora were on the loose in the woods. They hadn't felt a full moon in three months and were probably going to kill someone. Let's just say Scott and I got to Boyd just in time so he didn't kill some kids. 

Scott told me to hide behind the tree so Boyd wouldn't see me, so he would think he was fighting Scott. While Scott was distracting Boyd, I grabbed the kids from afar, pulling this imaginary rope of my power until they were safely in my arms.

When they looked at me, I saw how scared they were. I smiled, "Hey guys, it's okay; I'm here to help you get home safe, yeah?"

They both nodded, shaking slightly.

I grabbed their little hands in mine, "What are your guys' names?" I looked over their shoulders to see Scott and Boyd fighting, more like Scott trying not to get murdered.

"Breanne," the girl answered.

"Billy," the boy answered.

I nodded, placing my hand on my heart. "Well, it is very nice to meet you two. My name is Taylor." I took a deep breath. "Do you guys want to play a game of runaway from the scary monster with me?"

Calling it a game must have calmed some of their nerves because they smiled. "Okay," I stood, "grab my hands and run with me as fast as you can."

And that's what we did. Once we were a safe distance away, we hid in a group of clustered trees. I was about to blow my brains out on the 30th round of rock–paper–scissors when Scott showed up. He quickly called Derek, and I had to tell Breanne and Billy he was my friend and a nice guy. Billy clung tightly to one of Scott's legs as Breanne did the same to mine.

"Trust me," Scott said into the phone as we glanced nervously around the woods. "He's too strong, too fast, and way too angry for one person to handle," he tried to convince Derek. "We gotta do this together."

"What'd he say?" I asked, my heart beating at a mile a minute. Back at the bank was the first dose of action I've gotten in a while—no, not that kind of action. It felt great to use my new powers finally; now, I just needed more.

Scott pulled the phone away from his ear, holding it between us as he put it on speaker, "Boyd might be more dangerous anyway," Derek huffed. "And you have Taylor with you."

I gave an imaginary pat on my back before asking, "Why is Boyd more dangerous?"

"He's bitten. Cora's born," Derek explained. "She might have more control."

"Might sounds a little iffy to me," I muttered.

"I heard that," Derek huffed through the phone. "I'm by the trails at the entrance to the preserve. Can you meet me?" He asked. 

Scott looked at me, then down at Breanne and Billy before he answered. "Yeah, we just need to drop something off first."

After getting the kids in order, Scott said he heard something and started running randomly, leaving me to sprint after him, trying to keep up with his Alpha speed. Finally getting there, Scott leaped into action, stopping Cora from charging at Isaac, bent over on the ground in front of a tree. As Scott took care of Cora, I rushed over to Isaac.

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