Chapter 64

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At 5 o'clock, everyone was still in bed, with the morning light making them drowsy. Ren Chenxi took over the kitchen, preparing ingredients for congee, and even cutting wolf meat strips for her pet, Blanket. When the first person came downstairs, Ren Chenxi started cooking the congee.

As Zhang Tongqi and others thanked Ren Chenxi for the heartfelt breakfast, Mu Ning also sipped the congee Ren Chenxi had served her. SR-level Burst Cards were obtained~

With 10 SR Burst Cards, this time Ren Chenxi didn't hesitate and synthesized them into two SSR cards. Looking at the variety of cards in her backpack, from Flash Cards to Invisibility Cards and Shield Cards, Ren Chenxi thought about the hunting trip Mu Ning and the others were about to embark on. She seized this opportunity to go to the seaside.

So, after everyone was full and rested, ready to set off, Ren Chenxi pretended to feel unwell, saying her stomach was uncomfortable and she wouldn't go today. Suddenly, Fan Xue Chang arrived with a group of people. Seeing him, Zhang Tongqi and Wu Tong, along with several other girls, immediately showed vigilance. The guys next door, led by Chen Gu, quickly arrived, displaying an unwelcoming attitude and questioning Fan Xue Chang's purpose.

Facing everyone's strong hostility, Fan Xue Chang, in an unusually good mood, smiled at Mu Ning, spoke some nauseating words expressing affection, and then revealed the true purpose of his visit.

He wanted to buy a crystal core engine from Ren Chenxi.

In three days, the Fan family learned about Qi Sheng obtaining a crystal core generator and a crystal core engine. They weren't particularly interested in the crystal core generator, but the only thing that made them excited was the crystal core engine. Two years into the apocalypse, all the fuel at the gas stations near H City had been depleted by survivors. If they wanted to go further to find supplies and the various poisonous herbs Fan Xue Chang needed, the fuel they hoarded simply wouldn't be enough!

So when Fan Xue Chang learned that Qi Sheng had an engine that only needed crystal cores to activate, he almost wanted to seize the crystal core engine at all costs. However, the persuasion of those around him, coupled with Qi Sheng's position and strength in the base, made Fan Xue Chang abandon this idea. But if Fan Xue Chang were to give up the crystal core generator just like that, he couldn't accept it. So, after inquiring multiple times, Fan Xue Chang also found out that Qi Sheng's crystal core engine was bought from Ren Chenxi.

He couldn't snatch the engine from Qi Sheng, but buying it from Ren Chenxi seemed easy, right? Even if Chen Gu and his group disliked him and didn't want Ren Chenxi to sell the engine to him, Fan Xue Chang had plenty of means to obtain the generator. If it really didn't work out... he could find an opportunity to control Ren Chenxi.

Of course, all of this depended on Ren Chenxi still having a crystal core engine.

Before coming to Ren Chenxi, Fan Xue Chang was very worried that she might be out of stock. However, one of his subordinates responsible for gathering intelligence assured him that Qi Sheng bought one generator and one engine, keeping a generator for himself, so it was likely that Ren Chenxi still had an engine.

Because of such detailed intelligence, even when Chen Gu and others impatiently claimed that Ren Chenxi no longer had an engine, Fan Xue Chang didn't give up. Ignoring Chen Gu and others who tried to drive him away, he just smiled at Ren Chenxi and tempted her with crystals, saying, "I heard that Qi Sheng used 200,000 level-1 crystal cores to buy the engine from you. So, I'll offer double the price. Would you be willing to sell me another engine, Sister Ren?"

Although the address "Sister Ren" is quite nauseating, it cannot be denied that Ren Chenxi was indeed tempted by Fan Xue Chang's offer of 400,000 level-1 crystal cores. Seeing signs of Ren Chenxi's interest, and confirming that she still had an engine, Fan Xue Chang continued to press on, saying, "Moreover, of these 400,000 level-1 crystal cores, 100 are level-4 and 1000 are level-3."

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