Chapter 57

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On the task panel, the main quest still remained at the top, reminding her of the need to survive in the apocalypse. The two completed Reunion quests had disappeared. One of the daily tasks had been marked as completed.

However, Ren Chenxi had no idea when she completed this task, just a simple attempt to make Mu Ning laugh.

If it were before the apocalypse, when Ren Chenxi was persistently trying to improve Mu Ning's favorability, completing this daily task would have been quite challenging. At that time, Mu Ning always wore a cold expression, and getting her to laugh, let alone making her talk more, was difficult.

But now, in the apocalypse, the once icy goddess surprisingly became more talkative and even smiled. Since Ren Chenxi met Mu Ning, she had lost count of how many times she had seen Mu Ning smile. Just at dinner, Mu Ning seemed to have smiled at her again?

Well, it doesn't matter how many times Mu Ning smiled. The task only required Mu Ning to laugh once, and if there were such simple daily tasks every day... that wouldn't be bad, right?

Looking at the purple-glowing Invisibility card, Ren Chenxi glanced at the other daily tasks and found herself getting excited again. Well, no matter how many times Mu Ning smiled, the task only required her to smile once. If there were such simple daily tasks every day, it seemed quite nice?

Thinking about it, Ren Chenxi couldn't help but feel her heart race again. Yes, she was only doing these tasks to survive better in the apocalypse, for the most important main quest. It wasn't about continuing to pursue that Mu girl! Yes, that's right! Just for today's effortlessly completed daily task, she didn't need to go out of her way to please Mu Ning. Just sell her the generator at a low price, get rid of the people she disliked, and for these two simple things, Mu Ning laughed twice, right?

With these ordinary, simple tasks well within her capabilities, she received such precious SR cards in return. How cost-effective! As the saying goes, take advantage of any available benefits. Moreover, these were not just ordinary small benefits; they were SR cards that could potentially save her life at a critical moment!

Realizing this, Ren Chenxi's restless heart instantly calmed down. Right! It's just a survival game in the apocalypse. Since there are daily tasks, they're meant for the player, herself, to complete and receive rewards, right? And the ultimate choice of the task is all hers to decide. For those ridiculous tasks like singing love songs, saying sweet words, kissing, hugging, and intimate interactions seven times a night—she could just ignore them. As for the serious and simple tasks that could still bring rewards, she could do them!

By accumulating more precious SR cards, perhaps she would have the ability to challenge that Level 7 octopus monster alone!

With a delightful anticipation for the daily rewards to be refreshed the next day, Ren Chenxi yawned gently, stroked Blanket, and closed her eyes to enter dreamland. Early the next morning, Ren Chenxi was awakened by Blanket being licked, accompanied by the sound of Blanket kneading and purring by her pillow. The habits formed from raising Blanket made Ren Chenxi, in a drowsy state, naturally say, "Good Blanket, I'll prepare breakfast for you right away..."

Back when she was studying at S University, Ren Chenxi initially struggled to adapt to the routine of waking up early to study again. She set multiple alarms to force herself out of bed. However, after adopting Blanket, all those alarms became unnecessary. When Blanket returned from the hospital, still in recovery, Ren Chenxi couldn't afford to neglect its three meals a day. Whenever Blanket "meowed" to prompt Ren Chenxi, even if she was reluctant to leave the warm and comfortable bed, she would cruelly detach herself from the "land of gentleness."

Now, in a short span, Ren Chenxi fully woke up from her semi-conscious state. While putting on her clothes and holding Blanket, she checked today's refreshed daily tasks. Fortunately, apart from a few confusing ones at the bottom, the ones at the top seem... not too difficult to complete? For instance, the task of making Mu Ning laugh has refreshed today. Should she try this task first? Is it possible that regardless of the method, as long as she makes Mu Ning laugh, the daily task will be considered complete?

I've got an update for the romance game I'm playing! [GL] जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें