Chapter 10

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Ren Chenxi's gender concerns were just a fleeting moment, and soon her attention was back on the area under the window.

The conversation between the men beneath the window continued.

"Idiot! At a time like this, you're still concerned about whether she's pretty!"

"But, big bro, that lady is really beautiful! Anyway, she's way better looking than these few. Since she's so powerful, why not..."

The man's voice trailed off, and he said something that Ren Chenxi couldn't quite make out. All she knew was that, as these two men conversed, one of the two remaining yellow dots suddenly turned red.

Huh? Just because she's better looking than the others, she has hostility toward me?

Ren Chenxi found it quite perplexing.

Ignoring the woman who suddenly "betrayed" them, Ren Chenxi continued to stare intently at the window. Soon, another head popped up at the window, not giving Ren Chenxi a chance to react, and then quickly disappeared.

"Hey! Woman!" came the call of another man from below the window. "We see that you're a woman, and you have abilities. We don't want to trouble you or be your enemy. How about you raise your hands and come a bit closer, so we can talk."

Listening to the man's audacity, Ren Chenxi smirked and raised her hands, taking two steps closer to the window.

After she did so, the head that appeared at the window lingered for a moment longer, then quickly retreated. "Drop the rock in your right hand too!!!"

Dropping the rock from her right hand, Ren Chenxi couldn't help but wonder if they couldn't see the card held between her index and middle fingers, or if they simply didn't care about the seemingly harmless card?

She didn't have time to dwell on it further. Ren Chenxi obediently discarded the rock to the side. As soon as the sound of the rock hitting the ground reached the window, two heads simultaneously appeared. They nodded in satisfaction at Ren Chenxi, and their assessing gazes grew increasingly lecherous, accompanied by sly smiles.

"They finally got it right. I advise you not to go against us. We have a pyrokinetic, a strength-based ability user, and my ability hardens the skin all over my body. One rock won't hurt me at all!" said one of the men, boasting arrogantly.

Ren Chenxi sighed in annoyance at their arrogance. She couldn't help but frown and decided to put her plan into action. With a flick of her left hand, the flash card started to rotate and shot directly toward the bald man on the left side of the window. However, the two people at the window continued to leer at her with evil grins, as if they hadn't noticed anything.

Suddenly, the room filled with screams: "Ah! My eyes!" A powerful flash of light blinded them again. The two heads quickly retreated from the window.

Ren Chenxi, keeping a distance of about 7 meters between herself and the window, remained unaffected. Without waiting for the two men to recover, the door of the bus next to her opened abruptly, and the "corpse collector" who had been hiding inside rushed towards the wide-open supermarket door with a large cleaver in hand.

"Be alert, you have only 20 seconds!" Ren Chenxi shouted out to the "corpse collector."

Without looking back, the "corpse collector" dashed into the supermarket. There were several more horrifying screams, and she emerged with four girls, including one of the red dots, pushing them to get on the bus as quickly as possible.

Ren Chenxi looked deeply at the girl who was still showing up as a red dot on the mini-map. Then, she walked slowly to the supermarket's entrance. The "corpse collector," carrying the bloodied cleaver, acknowledged Ren Chenxi with a grateful nod. Ren Chenxi waved her off and gestured for her to step back.

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