Chapter 3

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As the darkness around her completely dissipated, Ren Chenxi realized she wasn't in her small and cozy bedroom anymore. She looked around, finding the environment vaguely familiar but also highly unusual. Combined with the familiar game voice she had just heard, Ren Chenxi suspected she had entered the game world again. However, the disheveled and dilapidated surroundings made her wonder when she had seen such a run-down place in the game.

Since she couldn't determine where she was, Ren Chenxi didn't dwell on it. After all, if she had indeed entered that darned crazy love game again, she would soon figure out her current location.

Summon the map.

With a single thought, the familiar game interface appeared in front of Ren Chenxi. However, when she saw the location marker on the game map for the dilapidated room she was in, Ren Chenxi was completely stunned.

Wasn't this the place where she had bought her phone just before leaving the game? Yet all around her...

Ren Chenxi surveyed her surroundings once more. Finally, in the broken glass shards, wood fragments, and rubble, she noticed several smartphones, unsure if the one she had purchased right before exiting the game was among them. Aside from these scattered phones, other parts of the room were clearer, and she even saw dried black stains on the floor.

What's this crazy game up to? It's only been three months since I left the game, and this phone store... What happened here? Right, my bed shook so violently earlier, could it be that this place experienced a major earthquake? What's the current in-game time? And where did those employees at the phone store go?

Just as Ren Chenxi's mind started to wander with various thoughts, she noticed a new message alert flashing in the bottom right corner of the map interface.

With skillful precision, she opened her mailbox and found, as expected, an email sent by the system. Typically, these system emails either rewarded players, provided compensation, or informed players about game updates.

And the email that Ren Chenxi opened was an announcement informing her that this once sweet campus romance game was forcibly updated due to data corruption. The game was transformed into a post-apocalyptic survival game. Furthermore, the original game title was officially changed to "Heart-Pounding, Black Post-Apocalyptic World."

After reading the email, Ren Chenxi had the urge to use strong language, but she refrained from it, fearing that the game might censor her with a bunch of "beep beep beep" symbols.

How messed up must the game's data be to turn a perfectly fine dating game into a post-apocalyptic survival scenario? And after it's already turned into a horror apocalypse, you add a tilde to the title? What's the point?

Compared to this horrifying post-apocalyptic survival game, Ren Chenxi would much prefer to continue playing the romance game and raise her good impression with the Goddess Mu's wooden face. Wait, her good impression with the Goddess Mu is already at 100%, but her blackening value is also at 100%! Recalling the nightmare she had in the real world just now, Ren Chenxi shivered involuntarily.

This survival game just became even more terrifying! If it's a post-apocalyptic scenario, there must be some scary stuff like zombies in the game. However, what surprised Ren Chenxi was that, as she looked through the shattered glass at the once bustling street, it was now deserted, with nothing in sight. Had all the people nearby died? And had the zombies wandered off to other towns to find more victims? Well, she didn't really care. Ren Chenxi had no intention of trying to survive in this updated and crazy game.

It's a joke! Three months ago, she had finally managed to escape from this crazy game. Who would have thought that she, who hated shedding tears, cried her eyes out in her room all night when she returned to the real world after escaping from the game. Why did it have the audacity to pull her back in? What's even more infuriating is that this stupid game is throwing another one of its stupid bugs at her. The moment she opened the game interface, she couldn't find the option to quit the game!

I've got an update for the romance game I'm playing! [GL] Where stories live. Discover now