Chapter 11

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"Can I kill him?"

As soon as the yellow-dot girl spoke, the punk-looking guy raised his head and stared menacingly at her. "You dare to kill me, you bitch! Ha! Come on! Let's see if you can kill me first, or if I'll strangle you first!"

The yellow-dot girl wasn't an ability-type user , and these scum would only act so arrogantly when facing ordinary people or those who couldn't resist.

Facing the punk's provocation, the yellow-dot girl didn't respond. She just looked intently at Ren Chenxi, seemingly waiting for a nod. But Ren Chenxi knew that she was definitely waiting for more than just her approval.

"Go ahead, do you have enough time in 20 seconds?" Ren Chenxi said as she took out another flash card from her backpack and waved it in front of the yellow-dot girl, seemingly testing her reaction. However, the yellow-dot girl seemed to completely ignore the card held between Ren Chenxi's fingers and only saw it as a gesture for 20 seconds.

"Twenty seconds to let this scum die, that's too easy on him!" The yellow-dot girl expressed her reluctance.

"Hey, you don't have to kill him immediately within those 20 seconds. Just chop off his limbs, and then you can do whatever you want," said another green-dot girl who had appeared on the bus with a large machete, probably left there by the "corpse-collecting girl" earlier.

As these girls discussed how to cut and torment people, they looked completely natural. After all, it was the apocalypse, and the kind-hearted saints who were unwilling to kill were probably long gone.

Ren Chenxi noticed that this green-dot girl also didn't seem to see the flash card. Instead, she gazed at Ren Chenxi with admiration and asked, "Sis, I didn't see you use any flash grenades or something like that just now. After that flash of light, those people couldn't see anything. Also, when the light flashed past me inside the building, my eyes were blinded. So, are you a light-based ability-type user?"

Ren Chenxi carefully looked at the green-dot girl, confirmed that she also couldn't see the card in her hand, and then responded vaguely, "Sort of, but I can't use this flash all the time." When the flash card was gone, she wouldn't be able to use it.

"Then, sis, you also have an ability power for headshots, right? I saw it; that guy surnamed Long with such a hard stone head, it was directly blown up by you!" Feeling less threatened, another green-dot girl from the bus joined in.

"And you also used stones to hit that bald guy; it was so accurate!" These two green-dot girls got more excited as they spoke.

Ren Chenxi sensed that compared to the yellow-dot girl, these two green-dot girls seemed a bit lacking in maturity. They were likely not part of the same group.

Indeed, Ren Chenxi's guess was spot on. Contrary to the two green-dot girls, the yellow-dot girl had no interest in Ren Chenxi's abilities. Her sole focus was to seek revenge on the thug named Ta Mo. She impatiently interrupted the chattering of the two green-dot girls and firmly addressed Ren Chenxi, "Please, help me blind that scum for 20 seconds! I'll handle the rest myself!"

Ren Chenxi didn't know why the yellow-dot girl was so insistent on personally dealing with Ta Mo, but the reasons were probably limited to a few possibilities. It was either her friends had fallen victim to Ta Mo, and she wanted to seek vengeance for them, or she herself had been wronged by Ta Mo, and she wanted personal revenge.

The yellow-dot girl was determined to seek revenge, but Ta Mo had no intention of sitting idly by and letting someone take their revenge on him. He had been cautious of Ren Chenxi's strength and had stayed put earlier, but now that Ren Chenxi was supporting the yellow-dot girl's quest for revenge, and even offering to help, he felt a sudden urgency. So, before Ren Chenxi could use her flash card against Ta Mo, he stood up, brandishing a machete that he had somehow acquired, and lunged fiercely at the yellow-dot girl.

I've got an update for the romance game I'm playing! [GL] Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora