Chapter 20

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In the middle of the night, Ren Chenxi was awakened in a daze. Half-awake, she remembered that she was responsible for the second night watch. Ren Chenxi was joined by Huo Keyu and Jian Dan for this shift.

Checking the game's time, she realized it was already past midnight. So, Ren Chenxi instantly became alert, summoned the lottery center, and began a new round of free draws. The draws occurred every ten minutes. After getting a costume change card, a flash card, and a greasy card, Ren Chenxi finally drew an exploding card. It was an R card, and this significantly improved her mood. She occasionally looked out through the gaps in the wooden boards while waiting for the new countdown to start.

After the apocalypse, most parts of the country had lost power. The city's streetlights had become mere decorations, let alone the rural areas with no streetlights at all. The only source of light was the moon, which remained unaffected by the apocalypse. Ren Chenxi watched through the moonlight as she awaited the next ten-minute countdown.

However, when she glanced at the small map, she was shocked and suddenly stood up. The map had shown only their room's green dots, but it was now filled with many red dots. Ren Chenxi hesitantly counted them, and there were at least thirty or more!

"What's wrong?" Ren Chenxi stood up, and Huo Keyu looked over with caution.

"Get everyone up, there's a situation. It's very likely a mutated beast attack!" The speed at which these dots were moving could only mean mutated beasts.

Hearing Ren Chenxi's words, Huo Keyu and Jian Dan quickly woke everyone up. Some people, still groggy, were about to speak when they were quietly warned, "Shh, don't make a sound, there are mutated beasts!"

Everyone woke up, and they all nervously approached the windows to look outside. What they saw were pairs of green eyes emerging one by one from the wild grass three hundred meters away. The eerie green glow made everyone break out in a cold sweat.

"Oh my! Look at all those eyes. Could it be a wolf pack?" Yang Xiangrui nervously clenched his teeth, his upper and lower jaws clashing.

"Nobody make a sound. These mutated beasts might not necessarily be coming for us. Let's stay quiet and maybe they'll leave later..."

Faced with this large group of mutated wolves, everyone silently prayed that these wolves would just pass by.

However, wolves have naturally keen senses, and after the mutations caused by the apocalypse, they could probably detect the scent of living humans from far away. Moreover, within this group of mutated wolves, there were even three 4th-tier mutated wolves!

Ren Chenxi nervously watched as this group of wolves slowed down, circled the bus, and then made their way straight towards their building. Everyone's nerves were stretched to the extreme at this moment.

"Bang!" A 3rd-tier mutated wolf attempted to ram the broken-down door, but there were enough furniture items blocking it. Even if the door broke, there was a massive cabinet behind it.

"What do we do... they've found us..." Song Xin trembled as she turned to Ren Chenxi for help.

"Bang!" Before Ren Chenxi could respond, another window was shattered by a swipe from another mutated wolf.

"Spread out, Jian Dan, you and Song Xin stay by that window. Don't worry about the noise; attack the mutated wolves directly. If you can kill a few, great. Zhu Kang, you guard the other window, and when it breaks, attack immediately. Lu Ping, come over and stand next to me..."

While giving orders, Ren Chenxi gradually distanced herself from the group. As the music began to play, Lu Ping obediently moved closer to her. He was about to ask what he should do when suddenly a black SUV appeared.

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