Chapter 8

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Ren Chenxi didn't have the skill to start a car with just two pieces of wire without a key, but she got lucky and managed to start a well-performing off-road vehicle using a key she found among the belongings of a zombie from the hotel. These abandoned vehicles in the hotel's parking lot had been quite high-end. The car was in good condition, and despite its surface being covered in thick dust and not having been started for two years, it didn't hinder Ren Chenxi from smoothly driving it out of the hotel. Moreover, what made the car even better in her eyes was that it had a decent amount of fuel, ensuring she could drive all the way to that gas station and still have some fuel to spare.

Ren Chenxi was accustomed to a high standard of living, as her brother's "heiress." When it came to hotels, she insisted on five-star accommodations, which is why she found the cars in the hotel parking lot to be in good condition. The vehicle she selected was top-notch, even though it was covered in dust and hadn't been started in two years. This didn't hinder Ren Chenxi as she effortlessly drove the off-road vehicle out of the hotel. Moreover, what impressed her was that the car had a reasonable amount of fuel, enough to ensure she could drive all the way to that gas station and still have some fuel left.

With the guidance of the mini-map, Ren Chenxi skillfully avoided many unnecessary troubles along the way, even if it meant taking slightly longer routes. Leaving the now deserted area, the dilapidated scenery on her journey served as a constant reminder that the outside world was even more dangerous and treacherous than the relatively safe zone she had just left. And, the dangers weren't limited to zombies; they also came from other humans.

When Ren Chenxi returned to the post-apocalyptic survival game, the first living person she encountered was a seemingly young woman. At that time, Ren Chenxi had been driving for about an hour, and she had just passed a three-way intersection with a considerable distance when she noticed the woman standing by the side of the highway. As soon as she spotted Ren Chenxi's vehicle, the woman waved both her hands and approached the car.

However, Ren Chenxi paid no attention to the woman. Instead, she stepped on the gas, showing a fierce determination as if she intended to run someone over. This terrified the woman, who quickly retreated to the side of the road. Then, she spat venomously in the direction of Ren Chenxi's departing car.

Looking at the mini-map, the woman was marked as a red dot. What's more, besides this red dot, there were five more red dots hidden in the overgrown weeds along the highway behind her. Red dots on the mini-map symbolized enemies. Even if they weren't zombies, they were hostile humans. Stopping the car and opening the door would only invite trouble. The group of people hidden in the tall grass wouldn't offer any kind of hospitality.

There might have been other well-intentioned passersby without the aid of a mini-map, and it was uncertain how many had fallen victim to these ruthless individuals.

Having left that group far behind, Ren Chenxi accelerated and continued her journey on the highway. It seemed like this road was a focal point for the activities of these hostile people, as they had cleared various obstacles to the sides of the road. Throughout this journey, Ren Chenxi spotted many abandoned vehicles in the roadside overgrowth. It was unclear if these vehicles had belonged to victims of the apocalypse or were left behind by the ill-intentioned group that terrorized the area.

Without any spare energy to ponder the origin of abandoned vehicles by the roadside, Ren Chenxi continued to increase her speed, heading toward the service area.

Encountering the first living person in the game, who turned out to be a hostile enemy, made Ren Chenxi dread the thought of how many more treacherous individuals she might encounter on her journey. Therefore, her priority was to reach the service area, refuel her vehicle, grab some extra fuel, and proceed to the base in H City as quickly as possible.

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