Chapter 47

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The mighty shield wielded by the durable one deflected the stream of phantasms, Magic flowing through the bone conduit as it gleamed an iridescent white.

Another shadow arose, leaping forward through the hail of blades, a shadowy Knight wielding an organic greatsword leapt through the barrage, making it closer and closer to the precipice of arrogance.

"Intriguing. They're similar to familiars. You've peaked my interest mongrel." As the golden monarch spoke, kommandant aimed the point of his blade at the archer.

"Even more interesting, is the weaponry." A bolt of lightning shot forth from the tip, striking the stomach of the archer servant. Yet no reaction. "This armor of mine protects my entire body, especially against weak spells. That blade is no noble phantasm. It won't even scratch my skin." Hans had no intention to get closer for the moment.

Kommandant had a volley of weapons aimed at him, this time much more dangerous than the last.

"Don't be too concerned, Mongrel. They're only C-rank phantasms." The archer grinned and Hans concluded that at the moment, it was now dangerous to continue any further. It would seem that according to the information he had acquired, Archer was by far the most dangerous servant. At least of the known ones.

"Time to leave." As if moving in unison, all of the shadow soldiers disappeared. Hans gave one last glance to the group of servants before he faded into the shadows himself.

And with that, everyone was perplexed.

"Well, he's certainly an interesting fellow, i wonder if he'd join my army?"


"That was certainly interesting. So we know who rider is now. Saber and Lancer are still unkown, as are berserker and assassin. Did you manage to find out who archer is?" Weiss had gotten out a notepad, various notes placed all around each servant class.

"Archer had divinity. Couple that with their blonde hair, I believe they have some relation to mesopotamia. I'll have to do some more research." Still having eyes on the situation, archer had promptly retreated as she'd clearly lost all interest in the night. There's another note, Archer is highly emotional.

Whereas the remaining three found themselves locked and unable to move, whoever moved first would find themselves subject to a possible chance of being backstabbed. However, judging by the upset look on sabers face, they were likely ordered to retreat.

It would seem that their master saw no further benefit in continuing. A shrewd one. Another note. Sabers Master is somewhat intelligent.

But with that, the remaining two fled as well. Information had been gathered, Saber had been injured and nothing of value was lost. So far, it was going well.

"Saber is English. She fights with a longsword. The way she holds a blade is recognisable to how a longsword is wielded." Assassin was still a mystery, as was caster and berserker.

"Hm. This is actually somewhat fun, I feel like I'm doing a crossword." The cripple smiled.


"An anomaly has appeared." Kiritsugu Emiya was a calculating man. But in all his calculation, he hadn't expected an interloper with seemingly no Servant to involve themselves.

Saber had confirmed Archers words. At first glance, he would have believed the man to be a regular magus.

But even a regular magus using reinforcement would be unable to crush a servants head.

That man was dangerous. He was no servant, yet he looked inhuman. Like...

"Irisviel. What do you think?" The jolly woman was unusually down, yet at her husbands words, she lit up as if a Christmas tree being turned on.

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