Chapter 40

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Atlas and Menagerie

Faunus and non-faunus

Both had a rich history of strife.

And today, a faunus would ask the headmaster of Atlas for assistance.

"Mr Belladonna, my name is Winter Schnee. I'll be guiding you today, as for your associates, I'll have them guided to the student dorm." Looking past the bearded father, was a strange sight.

A faunus girl, clearly the mans daughter in a long white coat. On her shoulders was a child, one that made her do a double take.

A white haired child, in a dress. A fancy one, Winter even mistook her for a schnee.

'Who is that?'


Walking back to Atlas, were the two women fond of a certain man.

"To think that tomorrow could be our last day..." at the thought of the assault, Neo had only on thought.

Not of death.

But of the owl.

The glee that she would take at that things death. Sadism was a wonderful thing.

Walking through the cold streets, Neo couldn't help but breathe into her hands, rubbing them together for warmth.

"Cold isn't it? Sometimes it's nice, sometimes it's miserable." The light comment surprised her, someone who's always lived in the cold... wouldn't they prefer the summer?

"Summer is nice, but sometimes it's worse to be covered in sweat. Your clothes stick to your skin, you feel hot and out of breath. I'd much rather be numb in the fingertips than baking in the sun." Neo could understand that view.

Sometimes the heat was the worst.


Stepping onto academy grounds, Weiss saw a woman in a white coat enter the academy.

'Not shady at all...' like the good samaritan she was, Weiss rushed after the shady individual. Its not like she was a Lieutenant...

It was her day off after all.

Peeking into the academy door, there was a little girl next to her.

"Let's go find big brother!" Big brother? White hair... a rare hair colour even in atlas. There's no way she's... there's a possibility she's a schnee. Even I don't know all the antics my father got up to.

But I find it unlikely. Then... the only other person...

But that... that doesn't make sense.

By now, Weiss had noticed that it was just Blake. The cat ears gave it away quite quickly. It seemed that they got along quite well.

No point in tailing any further.

"Blake! How've you been?" Turning around, Blake gave a light smile. Though it seemed forced considering the bags under her eyes. Weiss could guess why.

"Tired. A lot has happened in such a short time."

Uncaring of the conversation, Lina locked onto Weiss and launched herself at the Lieutenants chest.

"New person!" Smoothly, Weiss caught the mess of hair in a dress, holding her up as she examined her. Red eyes....

'But he said she was gone... I suppose she could've just disappeared. But it seemed like he knew what happened.' The child held a grin, Weiss then thought of a question.

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