Chapter 42

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Having descended the ice slide, the duo of Summer and Hans were especially cautious of the individual in front of them.

Summer, having seen her daughter in her hands, made an attempt to leap at the man.

If not for Hans.

'Be careful, we don't know what he might do if we jump in recklessly.' Hans was concerned as well, but caution was due. Rage and recklessness were something he'd fallen victim to before.

Never again.

Summer attempted to use her semblance, but to no avail.

"I'm afraid that won't work. Salem informed me of you, so I came up with countermeasures to your semblance. Try as you might, you won't be able to swap with anything." Silence ensued before Hans dropped his coat.

"Go stall Salem. I'll deal with him." Summer was panicked, her daughter was in danger and she had no intention to leave.


She needed to follow the plan. She could trust Hans.

A conflicted frown crossed her face as she turned.

"Please... save my daughter." And with that, she vanished. The bulky man would've sighed.

'What a cruel world. She's dead, isn't she?' The Knight smiled with misery.

"It pains me to do this to such a promising youth. But it's what my wife wishes." A slight twitch of his wrist and Hans rushed in immediately. But Ozma had already thrown her, Ruby's corpse sailing through the air.

Headed straight for the grimm pool.

And yet, right now, there's only one thing he could do.

"I'm afraid I can't have you doing that." As the captain was about to rush past and freeze the pool, Ozma had already planted his blade deep in the man's chest. Having cut Smoothly into his shoulder and into his original heart.

Hans felt lightheaded at such a deep wound.

"Oh dear, you're not-" Before the old hero could finish, the captain reached into his mouth, grabbing his philtrum and the roof of his mouth. With his immense strength, Hans threw the man over him with his right hand, slamming him brutally into the stone ground.

Standing up to full height, he stitched himself back together with the shadows inside his own body, his intricate knowledge of anatomy coming into play.

'He's good... better with a sword than I am.' Speaking of, said sword was currently still in his heart. Taking hold of it, he carefully pulled it out to not shift his heart too much.

A simple look at the blade told him it was mystical, trying to break it would do him no good. So he tossed it into his shadow.

"I must say, that was some extravagant strength." Even after such an unconventional yet brutish judo throw, Ozma was only bleeding a little. The blood running down the side of his face. "I don't think I've ever seen such a skilled fighter. You closed the distance, even after my strike, you remained calm and performed a throw using the roof of my mouth as the cornerstone of your grip."

"Your pain tolerance is commendable." Raising his staff up high, it shined brilliantly, encompassing a massive radius to create a red, incandescent barrier around them.

"But it will not save you. For it is just you and I here." Once again, Hans was on the aggressive, walking forward, just out of range of Ozma. His grip was ready, Hans could predict his next move.

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