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Italics is writing.
In the city of London, smoke was rising as the fires raged. The smoke was thick and obscured the sky, but... in a certain part of London... laughing could be heard.

This laughing was masculine and it sounded as if the man was in utter joy, like a child who had just gotten a toy. But... the reality of the situation was far different.

The man who was laughing had white hair and wore dark green army pants and black boots with no shirt. His bloody red eyes looked content as they began to become dull and slowly glossed over. But, a glaring problem was the tooth buried into his heart.


Finally... I'm finally... free... from... him.

I could feel my heart slowing down, my life was fading, my vision was faltering... but with what little sight I had left, I could see... an old man. He smelled like a vampire, yet at the same time... he didn't. I couldn't muster the strength to speak as my voice had long since died in my throat.

"I'm not letting you die yet, young man." I watched the elder reach into his pocket only to pull out a jar that was far too large to fit inside his pocket. I could barely see anymore, but I could tell that in the jar was something red. I heard the jar open as my eyes grew heavy... I decided... I'll... just...

Rest... my eyes.

I opened them again... and I was in a snowy field. My eyes widened as I saw... a cabin. My family once lived here, but what suprised me most was who was on the porch.

I could see a white haired man in a suit that looked just like me sat reading a newspaper. We locked eyes and he smiled softly at me, soon after, a woman with long white hair walked out of the cabin. She wore an identical business suit, again I locked eyes with her and her eyes were filled with motherly love.

And last but not least, I felt something bump into my leg, and looked down to see my 10 year old sister wearing a dress as her red eyes stared at me with glee.

My family.

'dad... mom... little sister.' I picked up my little sister... and I blinked.

They were gone.

What?! Where? How? I looked around and found myself in a forest.

'am I... back in Brazil? No... that Victoria woman should have killed me.' I opened my coat and saw a small tooth shaped scar where my heart is. 'So it was real... but... how am I alive?'

I sniffed the air and could smell no one nearby. Nor could I hear anyone. I turned to Mist and floated up a tree before reforming. My guns clanked against each other as I reformed to see a city up ahead.

I jumped down from the tree and landed on my feet with a thud. I saw the shadows flicker and swiftly aimed my gun at them, keeping the guns pointed for a good few seconds before I put them back into their holsters.

'odd... not only can I not smell or hear anyone... I feel stronger.' I approached the shadow that flickered and stared intently at it. I reached for the shadow, and attempted to touch it.

Only for my hand to sink into it.

I pulled my hand back in shock and examined it.

'no injuries. That old man, I think he saved me. However, this seems to be a side effect.' I grabbed a leaf off of the ground and placed it into the shadow, I waited a minute before pulling it back out.

'no damage or deterioration. Its safe.' I took off my cap and tore off the badges on my coat. I dumped them onto the ground and started to head towards the city.

The wolf's bloody pathWhere stories live. Discover now