chapter 24

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It was weiss's first day under atlas specialist winter. The training was grueling and incredibly stressful on the body.

She wouldn't complain. She was a soldier now.

Soldiers don't complain.

Soldiers simply do what they're told.

That was her life now. She would ascend the military ladder. For the sake of a better remnant, her father must be removed from his position.

He was a tumour upon mantle, because of him, the faunus had suffered. She had suffered. Her mother had suffered.

That was all his fault. But she wouldn't stoop to his level. Murder was something she understood, but weiss would not condone it.

It was just a different means to an end.

Weiss had been a prim and proper lady at one point. No more. Her upbringing would limit her no longer. She would train.

Until she couldn't stand.

Until her bones were shattered.

Until every last drop of blood had left her body!

That was her promise.

No, that was her conviction!


This man never had much of it. Why would a street rat hold feelings like conviction.

When you're living in the gutter and struggling to survive, who gives two shits about a man's conviction when you could lose your life at any time.

All that mattered on the streets was how you survived. Infamy was a careful balance.

Become too infamous and you've got a bunch of wannabees trying to usurp you and heroes tryna take you down.

If you're not infamous enough, no one takes you seriously and you become a joke in the criminal world.

It's a careful balance, but with one action he'd removed himself from the equation entirely.

Though, he did regret his actions. Leaving neo was a terrible mistake, he figured that hans would take care of her.

Well... we all know how well that went. He was now a statue missing his left arm, much like how he was missing his right arm.

His sleeve billowed in the wind.

"Dear oum. Is it always so windy in vacuo?"

Roman was disappointed. Disappointed in himself. How could he have left her alone?

That's his whole purpose of being here in vacuo. Roman had to find his daughter. He knew better than anyone else how unstable neo has always been. The girl always had an innate desire for murder.

When she's with someone close to her, she can restrain it quite easily. But when she's left alone...

Roman had tried to control it by letting neo kill the worst of the worst. That only satiated her desire for so long.


This familiar darkness... I'm here again.

Wherever here is...

Last thing I remember was breaking that womans neck, then... nothing. It was like that brief period when I was bleeding out in London.

Did I die? Quite possible.

"You didn't die, hans günsche. You are very much still alive. At least in spirit."

Hans turned to see the god of darkness, once again.

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