Chapter 48

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Within the Manor of one of the three founding families, there was a beautiful woman. A woman with golden hair, stood at the balcony and looking at the sky.

"Pray tell, why bother me, Kirei." The queen did not ask, she commanded an answer. And the priest couldn't find an answer himself. The listless priest simply said what excuse he could find.

"I am unaware, my king. I was wandering the house in search of something to do." Turning around, the monarch leaned on the balcony as she looked at the priest. His emotionless face was irritating to look at. It reminded her all too much of her master.

"How irritating you two are. We have the stone faced tokiomi who holds no desire other than the typical one of a Magus. And then there's you, Kirei. You lack understanding of your own desires, you only live as you're told to live. Your entire life, you've been nothing but a meager follower of your father. Seek out your own desires, act upon your thoughts. Even if only for a day, then compare that singular day to your entire life."

Kirei's face hard barely changed, from neutral to frowning.

"Now leave me Kirei. I wish to think." Hesitating for a moment, Kirei wanted to ask more, but he knew of the King's temperament. And in accordance with his better judgement, the genius left.

"How interesting. I thought this war was going to be thoroughly boring, but then he appeared. Despite my noble phantasm, I can't gleam anything about him. How long has it been since I've been this curious? Maybe when I first fought Enkidu." The woman reached into a golden swirling portal, pulling out a pristine bottle of wine.

"Truly, I look forward to what you do, intruder."


God I hate Merlin.

"Where were you last night?"  I asked the vixen, yet the smug smile never left her face. My pink hair was waving in the wind as we walked, much like her own hair.

"Oh, around." Merlin was in fact observing, she was making notes of each Masters residence. Tokiomi was confirmed to reside in the tohsaka Manor, as was kirei. Emiya had yet to obtain a permanent residence.

Casters master was elusive, likely due to their servant masking their location.

Berserkers master was homeless, wandering the streets with a body that could fail him at any moment. Lancers master had taken residence in a hotel, layering it with numerous precautions.

Rider... riders master just lived in a simple house. There was a weak bounded field there, but not much else.

Overall, in terms of ability, the only master that Hans might struggle with is Tohsaka. And that's only because Tohsaka refuses to leave his workshop. She didn't know much about the other masters magecraft though, so caution is still required.

"Just don't answer then." Susie couldn't stand the succubus, but they worked under the same man, so she was forced to tolerate her. "Well, how far are we from Saber and her friend?" Merlin calmly walked, not even responding to her question.

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