Chapter 41

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The time had come, Atlas had planted their ships down on the beaches, the decrepit, dead beaches.

This was as far as they could safely go. Grimm had started to circle above the island, above one point. A large crystalline castle, its red crystals gleaming from the beams of the sun that pierced the grey clouds hanging over the miserable land.

Here it was, the final battle had almost started.

The ships had landed on the beaches.

"Alright men! This is as close as we can get! There are many Nevermore above, we'll have the ships take them head-on! YOUR GOAL ARE THE GRIMM ON THE GROUND!" Ironwood's authoritative shout bolstered the spirits of his men, the leader of flesh and steel standing proud as he looked back at his friends.

"CHARGE!" In a surprise, the first person to lead the charge, was the general himself. Running onto the island, using his pistols to obliterate a single grimm with each shot, the kick of his smoking gun threw his arms back each time.

Yet shot by shot, the horde was being thinned.

And from the ships, charged a trio of beings on mass.




The combination of life-filled beings and cold steel rushed forth. Weapons in hand, they started their extermination.

Grimm were gunned down


Split in half


Every which way they could die, they would at the hands of this army.

Every fighter that was part of this army, would put their all in it.

The students, soldiers and seniors fought here, many were victims of these foul beings. Their families taken, their lives ruined, their futures burnt away. All of it could be reclaimed today.

Ren and Nora stood back to back, a stupid grin on the girl's face as Ren smiled ever so calmly.

Ruby sliced through grimm after grimm, with all the grace of a dancer as she performed a pirouette, subtle uses of her semblance to speed up her arms allowed a graceful series of swings to carve through the grimm like butter.

Weiss calmly took out one after another, summoning numerous knights that dispersed each of the malice-seeking creatures. Not even lifting a finger.

Ozpin moved forward, masterfully destroying grimm, the long memory of this war was finally about to end, he could rest, as could this generation. All of it would be decided today.

Qrow, was sober for once, using his sword to carefully take out stray grimm that attempted any sort of flanking manoeuvres.

Gylnda carefully removed certain pieces of the ground ahead, creating a bottleneck to fight the grimm through and allowing their troops to safely eliminate the grimm at a distance while the front runners whittled them down.

All these amazing Huntsman, they all noticed a shadow cast down over them for but a brief moment.

"Seems he's getting to it." Weiss muttered with a smile.

"Good luck." The hungover girl couldn't help but say.

"I pray that he ends this quickly. I would rather not see another student die so young." The cane-wielding headmaster reminisced on all of his previous students.


Standing high atop his Wyvern, the apostle looked down on the hordes, humanoids rose from his shadow, the hue of his skin paling considerably just at their presence.

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