chapter 26

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It's dark. Too dark in this room.

A set of blinding flood lights were turned on, stinging my retina. The room was, medical in nature. It looked like a mad scientists lab.

It seems I'd glanced over something.

There he was. Strapped to an operating table, was my master. He seemed to at least be asleep.

Until the footsteps started to ring out. Each step made him shake more. His breathing increased, eyes dilating, struggling.

He struggled.

Struggle he tried.

Failure was the result.

I watched. I'd never seen a man so scared.

Of all artoria's knight's, I had never seen such fear.

Of all her subjects, there had been none so traumatised.

A man walked out of the darkness, a long white lab coat, a strange pair of glasses, blonde hair and a mad grin on his face.

The mad doctor began to speak but I heard nothing. A phrase rang through my head, tens, no, hundreds of times.

"I have no tears left to give."

It was a hoarse, masculine voice. Quite, seductive if I might admit. Oh, how I'd love to hear him whisper into my ear.

Those thoughts were thrown away as I saw the doctor reaching into his coat, pulling out a scalpel.

"Now, my dear captain. If you keep resisting, I'll be forced to remove your pancreas again. Honestly, such a useful resource you are. Anything I take out of you will grow back eventually. However, by the Sturmbannführer's orders, the weaponisation process is to be expedited. So, stay still... my precious experiment. This is a silver scalpel after all, permanent injury may occur."

The doctor aimed the scalpel just below his eyes.

The phrase kept ringing. I watched. I was paralysed. What... what could I do?

Nothing. This was just a memory. And I understood now what was happening.

He had no tears left to give. Because he no longer had tear ducts.


Here I sat. I'd just woke up from a long dream. Nightmares had become a regular thing.

So a dream was nice for a change.

But I, an amateur at magic, knew this was no normal dream. For merlin ambrosius was a key part of this dream, a dream of which I have no business in knowing.

"If you take up that sword, you will no longer be human." What a moronic notion. If a human was to become a God, physically, they are no longer human.

But mentally, they are still very much human.

Anything with sentience, free will and their own set of morals is considered a human mentality. Quite... bold. But it is easier than coming up with hundreds of incredibly specific terms for each group.

I watched the girl take up the sword. It must be caliburn, the sword of selection.

Taking that blade, is a fools errand. A magical tool should not decide who should be king.

Merit, experience and mentality are the things that should decide a king.

I see nothing more than a girl deceived by her dreams.

When one pursues a goal so fervently, with such blinding hope, they completely blind themselves to any chance or consequence of failure.

Merlin is a fool. But so am I. I will not judge her mentoring, or her views.

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