chapter 5

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Hello, is this neo?

A beep could be heard in the ice cream girls room, she grabbed her scroll and looked lazily at it. The unkown contact gave her a small bit of hope to speak to the tall man.

Yes this is neo, would this happen to be hans gunsche?

The tall man looked at the message, unaware of the team watching him.

That is me. I'm sorry for not contacting you sooner, but I did not have a scroll at the time.

Her mouth was left agape at the statement. What kind of person doesn't have a scroll in this day and age? She excitedly typed away on the scroll.

That's hard to believe but you don't look like the most... technological person.

He stoicly looked at the message, the world tinted red.

"going to fail her as well? Maybe even snap her neck, tear her heart out like you did to mother?" My breathing heightened, my blood sped up, and my eyesight blurred.


Inside the dorm of team RWBY, hans was stood leaning against a wall looking at his scroll.

Yang didn't particularly care, blake was reading a lewd book, Ruby noticed his eyes dilating and weiss noticed his body go stiff again.

The two locked eyes and nodded while hans walked out of the room.

The two got up and followed after the security guard.

"yesterday, hans seemed to panic at seemingly nothing. I think it's happening again." Ruby whispered into her friends ear.

"I believe so. Let's follow him." The two left the room after him but noticed that he was visibly distracted.

They followed after him and noticed that he occasionally muttered to himself. But eventually, he stopped at the roof, where jaune and pyrrha could be seen.

"I don't want to be the damsel! I want to be a hero... I don't belong here pyrhha, I faked my transcripts. I'm a damn fool..." we watched hans suddenly turn to Mist, the Mist thinned until eventually we couldn't see him... the two were certainly confused at such a sight.

Jaune ran past them, tears in his eyes and pyrrha called out to him... but to no avail. The champions eyes widened at seeing her friends.

"please don't tell goodwitch!" Ruby seemed completely fine with that, however, the heiresses distaste for the situation was quite obvious.

"fine. But you better find a way to train him. Not only is his inexperience risking his life, but also your teams lives." The spartan nodded, well aware that he was endangering the team.

She ran past after the blonde Knight while Ruby and weiss advanced, not forgetting their original goal.

Ascending the stairs to reach the peak, they saw hans... looking longingly over the balcony.

"you... are strong... you are... a soldier..." He muttered those words out like a mantra, something he lived by, as if he's lived like that his whole life...

A soldier...

"a soldier? Maybe winter knows him? Ruby, you said he has amnesia." Weiss whispered her concerns to her partner.

"that's what ozpin believes. But... after hearing that, I don't think he's right." He tightened his grip on the railing and saw that he was crushing the metal with his bare hands. Taking long, deep breaths as he held his head high.

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