chapter 16

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"damn. This is one hell of a view." The criminal held his hat tight as his white trenchcoat billowed in the wind.

"it really is a beautiful view." The two were staring at beacon as Tier descended from the sky. Hans sat atop the wyverns head with neo sleeping on his lap. The man had a tight grip on the girl.

"I really hope that Glynda isn't awake." Summer just sighed. "What? It's valid that I don't wanna get slapped harder than a bodybuilder on steroids. For such an attractive woman, her strength is scary." Summer just stared at the man with a judging look.

"what?! Am I not allowed to state an honest opinion?" Summer shook her head as she sighed.

"no. You are. I just wonder what Glynda would think if I told her you said something like that." Romans skin went whiter than a sheet and his soul seemed to leave his body.

The mature rose giggled at his expression before turning to full-on laughter. Hans glanced back at the duo, his vision snapped back to neo who seemed to be waking up.

The girl's mouth opened wide as if attempting to yawn but no sound came out. The petite woman slowly blinked until she locked eyes with the man in whose lap she lay.

As if still half asleep, the girl placed both her small hands on the soldiers' cheeks before trying to pull him into another kiss. The man didn't know how to respond.

Stopping the kiss might irritate her, but going through with it may only disappoint her due to his lacking skills.

Quite a situation.

The large man blocked her kiss with his bare hand, neo seemed to fully awaken as this happened if he had to guess from her pout.

Hans only pointed to the two behind them and neo fully understood.

He was shy to show his affection! At least that's what neo thought. In reality, hans simply didn't want neo to be embarrassed from kissing him right in front of her father.

The wings of tier began to slow as the beast made its descent.

'seems we've arrived. The lovey Dovey things can wait. I take it you want to report to old oz?' Hans tapped on the pommel of the blade Once as confirmation.

'I see. You know, since I gained consciousness, I've been shuffling through your memories. I've yet to see all of them, there are 155 years worth after all. But I was looking at some more recent ones, the daughter and the white-haired girl. Wouldn't it be a good idea to check up on them?' Hans tried to crush the pommel of the blade.

'Touchy about your memories I see. I'm no casanova but a blind man could see that they hold feelings for you. Whether those feelings are romantic or not, I don't know. But it would be a good idea to check in on them.' The wolf realised that his efforts were pointless and released the blade.

A finger poked into his cheek and he looked back at neo.

"you seem... distracted. It's a bit weird when there's no one else to focus on. You were also gripping that blade really hard. Is something wrong?" A look of concern graced neo's face and hans briefly debated telling her.

"somethings always wrong." His signs were slow as if expressing his exhaustion from the recent events.

With a large thud, everyone on the wyvern was shaken from tier's landing. Hans gripped neo tight as to not drop her while dismounting. The girl was clearly uncomfortable from the strength of his grip.

Hans slid down the beast's neck before landing safely on the ground, quickly placing neo down, the captain began to walk towards beacon academy.

The young maiden quickly caught up with her... boyfriend? She honestly wasn't sure if his response could be considered accepting her love. But it didn't matter. She was determined.

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